冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第793期:第三十八章 布兰(7)(在线收听

   He tried not to flinch as Hodor ducked through a low door. 阿多低身穿过一道矮门,布兰努力克制住自己不要畏缩。

  They walked down a long dim hallway, Summer padding easily beside them. 他们沿着一条漫长而阴暗的走廊前进,夏天脚步轻快地走在身边,
  The wolf glanced up from time to time, eyes smoldering like liquid gold. 不时抬眼看他,眼睛好似两团熊熊燃烧的液态黄金。
  Bran would have liked to touch him, but he was riding too high for his hand to reach. 布兰好想摸摸它,可他离地太远,手够不到。
  The godswood was an island of peace in the sea of chaos that Winterfell had become. 这段日子以来,若说临冬城成了一片混乱汪洋,那神木林则是其中的宁静之岛。
  Hodor made his way through the dense stands of oak and ironwood and sentinels, to the still pool beside the heart tree. 阿多穿过繁密的橡树、铁树和哨兵树,来到心树下静止无波的水潭边。
  He stopped under the gnarled limbs of the weirwood, humming. 他停在盘根错节的鱼梁木枝干底,口中哼着歌。
  Bran reached up over his head and pulled himself out of his seat, drawing the dead weight of his legs up through the holes in the wicker basket. 布兰伸手抓住头顶的树枝,把自己拉出篮子,也将他那双软弱无力的脚自柳篮的两个洞里拉出来。
  He hung for a moment, dangling, the dark red leaves brushing against his face, 他在那儿挂了一会儿,晃了几下,任暗红的树叶拂过脸庞,
  until Hodor lifted him and lowered him to the smooth stone beside the water. 然后阿多接住他,把他放在池边平坦的大石上。
  "I want to be by myself for a while," he said. "You go soak. Go to the pools." “我想独处一下,”他说,“你去洗洗吧,去温泉。”
  "Hodor." Hodor stomped through the trees and vanished. “阿多!”阿多踩着“咚咚”大步,消失在树丛中。
  Across the godswood, beneath the windows of the Guest House, an underground hot spring fed three small ponds. 在神木林的另一边,客房窗户的正下方,有一座天然的地底温泉,注满了三个小池。
  Steam rose from the water day and night, and the wall that loomed above was thick with moss.  池水日夜热气蒸腾,池边高墙爬满青苔。