冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第794期:第三十八章 布兰(8)(在线收听

   Hodor hated cold water, and would fight like a treed wildcat when threatened with soap, 阿多痛恨冷水,若是叫他用肥皂,更会像只被踩到尾巴的山猫般拼死抵抗,

  but he would happily immerse himself in the hottest pool and sit for hours, 但要换成温泉,即便最滚烫的池子他也不在乎,而且一泡动辄几个小时。
  giving a loud burp to echo the spring whenever a bubble rose from the murky green depths to break upon the surface. 每当浑浊的绿水面冒出气泡,他就大声打嗝,好像是在相互应和。
  Summer lapped at the water and settled down at Bran's side. 夏天舔舔池水,在布兰身边坐下。
  He rubbed the wolf under the jaw, and for a moment boy and beast both felt at peace. 他挠挠狼的下巴,接下来的短短时间,小男孩和冰原狼都觉得宁静而安详。
  Bran had always liked the godswood, even before, but of late he found himself drawn to it more and more. 布兰向来很喜欢神木林,在意外发生前就很喜欢,而近来他发现自己越来越常来这里。
  Even the heart tree no longer scared him the way it used to. 即便心树,也不再像以前那么令他害怕。
  The deep red eyes carved into the pale trunk still watched him, yet somehow he took comfort from that now. 刻在惨白树干上的那对深邃红眼依旧凝视着他,然而他却能从中寻得慰藉。
  The gods were looking over him, he told himself; the old gods, gods of the Starks and the First Men and the children of the forest, his father's gods. 这是诸神在看顾着他,他这么告诉自己;这是古老的诸神,属于史塔克家族、先民和森林之子的神,是父亲所信仰的神。
  He felt safe in their sight, and the deep silence of the trees helped him think. 在他们的注视下,他觉得很有安全感,而树林里深沉的寂静更有助于他理清思绪。
  Bran had been thinking a lot since his fall; thinking, and dreaming, and talking with the gods. 自坠楼以来,布兰经常陷入沉思:思索,作梦,和诸神对话。
  "Please make it so Robb won't go away," he prayed softly. “请不要让罗柏离开,”他轻声祷告,
  He moved his hand through the cold water, sending ripples across the pool. 伸手拨弄冰冷的池水,池面激起涟漪。
  "Please make him stay. “请让他留下来吧。
  Or if he has to go, bring him home safe, with Mother and Father and the girls. 如果他真的非走不可,就让他平安归来,和父亲母亲以及姐姐们一起回家。
  And make it... make it so Rickon understands." 还有,请让……请让瑞肯懂事。”