冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第796期:第三十八章 布兰(10)(在线收听

   Maester Luwin urged him to do just that, but Robb would not hear of it. 鲁温学士也劝他这么做,可罗柏不肯听。

  "My lord father would never have sent men off to die while he huddled like a craven behind the walls of Winterfell," he said, all Robb the Lord. “父亲大人绝不会派别人去送死,自己却像个胆小鬼似的躲在临冬城的墙垒之后。”他这么说,完全是罗柏城主的口气。
  Robb seemed half a stranger to Bran now, transformed, a lord in truth, though he had not yet seen his sixteenth name day. 对布兰来说,如今的罗柏活像半个陌生人,仿佛真正变成了一方之主,虽然他还不到十六岁。
  Even their father's bannermen seemed to sense it.  父亲的封臣们注意到他的状况,
  Many tried to test him, each in his own way. 许多人试图用自己的方式来考验他:
  Roose Bolton and Robett Glover both demanded the honor of battle command, the first brusquely, the second with a smile and a jest. 卢斯·波顿口气莽撞地要求让他领军;罗贝特·葛洛佛虽是说说笑笑,但有着相同的目的;
  Stout, grey-haired Maege Mormont, dressed in mail like a man, told Robb bluntly that he was young enough to be her grandson, 体格粗壮,头发灰白,像男人全身着盔甲的梅姬·莫尔蒙毫不客气地说罗柏的年纪足以当她孙子,
  and had no business giving her commands ... but as it happened, she had a granddaughter she would be willing to have him marry. 没资格对她颐指气使……不过呢,她倒刚巧有个孙女儿可以嫁给他;
  Soft-spoken Lord Cerwyn had actually brought his daughter with him, 讲话轻声细语的赛文伯爵直接把女儿给带来了,
  a plump, homely maid of thirty years who sat at her father's left hand and never lifted her eyes from her plate. 她的相貌平庸,胖嘟嘟的,年约三十,坐在她父亲左手,自始至终没将视线从餐盘里抬起过;
  Jovial Lord Hornwood had no daughters, but he did bring gifts,  友善的霍伍德伯爵没有女儿,但他带了很多礼物,
  a horse one day, a haunch of venison the next, a silver-chased hunting horn the day after, and he asked nothing in return...  今天送匹马,明天送一大块鹿肉,隔天又送一个漂亮的银边猎号,而且完全不要回报……
  nothing but a certain holdfast taken from his grandfather, 除了希求从他祖父手中夺走的一小块地,
  and hunting rights north of a certain ridge, and leave to dam the White Knife, if it please the lord. 某个山脊北部的狩猎权,以及在白刃河修筑水坝的权利等等。当然,如果城主大人高兴的话。