冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第797期:第三十八章 布兰(11)(在线收听

   Robb answered each of them with cool courtesy, much as Father might have, and somehow he bent them to his will. 罗柏冷静而有礼貌地一一应答,渐渐收服了他们的心,今天若换做父亲,大概也不过如此吧。

  And when Lord Umber, who was called the Greatjon by his men and stood as tall as Hodor and twice as wide, 而当那个人称“大琼恩”,身形和阿多一样高,却足足壮他两倍的安柏伯爵出言不逊,
  threatened to take his forces home if he was placed behind the Hornwoods or the Cerwyns in the order of march, 声称假如要他走在霍伍德或赛文家部队后面,他就立刻班师回家时,
  Robb told him he was welcome to do so. 罗柏说欢迎他这么做。
  "And when we are done with the Lannisters," he promised, scratching Grey Wind behind the ear, “等收拾兰尼斯特之后,”他向对方保证,一边搔着灰风的耳背。
  "we will march back north, root you out of your keep, and hang you for an oathbreaker." “我们会立刻回师北方,把你从你家城堡里抓出来,当成背誓者吊死。”
  Cursing, the Greatjon flung a flagon of ale into the fire and bellowed that Robb was so green he must piss grass. 大琼恩听了破口大骂,将一罐麦酒丢进火里,他吹胡子瞪眼地说罗柏不过是个青涩的毛头小鬼,八成连尿都是草绿色的。
  When Hallis Mollen moved to restrain him, he knocked him to the floor, 哈里斯·莫兰上前劝阻,却被他推倒在地,
  kicked over a table, and unsheathed the biggest, ugliest greatsword that Bran had ever seen. 接着他踢翻桌子,拔出一把布兰所知最大最丑的巨剑。
  All along the benches, his sons and brothers and sworn swords leapt to their feet, grabbing for their steel. 他坐在两边长凳上的儿子、兄弟和部下们也纷纷一跃起身,伸手握住武器。
  Yet Robb only said a quiet word, and in a snarl and the blink of an eye Lord Umber was on his back, 然而罗柏不过轻轻说了一个字,只听灰风一声怒吼,立时便把安柏伯爵摔得四脚朝天,
  his sword spinning on the floor three feet away and his hand dripping blood where Grey Wind had bitten off two fingers. 剑飞到三尺之外,被咬掉两根手指的手上鲜血淋漓。
  "My lord father taught me that it was death to bare steel against your liege lord," Robb said, "but doubtless you only meant to cut my meat." “家父曾经教导我,在宣誓效忠的领主面前拔剑是惟一死罪。”罗柏说,“但我相信您只是想帮我切肉罢了。”