冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第798期:第三十八章 布兰(12)(在线收听

   Bran's bowels went to water as the Greatjon struggled to rise, sucking at the red stumps of fingers... but then, astonishingly, the huge man laughed. 布兰看着大琼恩挣扎起身,吸吮那血红一片的断指,五脏六腑绞成一团……出人意料,接着这大个子竟然笑了。

  "Your meat," he roared, "is bloody tough." “你的肉,”他大吼,“还真他妈的硬!”
  And somehow after that the Greatjon became Robb's right hand, his staunchest champion,  不知为什么,从那之后,大琼恩便成了罗柏的左右手和最坚定的拥护者,
  loudly telling all and sundry that the boy lord was a Stark after all, 到处扯开嗓门对人说,别看这位新城主年纪小,他可是个货真价实的史塔克传人,
  and they'd damn well better bend their knees if they didn't fancy having them chewed off. 你们都他妈的赶紧乖乖下跪,不然瞧他不把你膝盖剁掉。
  Yet that very night, his brother came to Bran's bedchamber pale and shaken, after the fires had burned low in the Great Hall. 然而当天夜里,大厅的炉火渐熄之后,哥哥却一脸苍白地来到布兰卧房,浑身发抖。
  "I thought he was going to kill me," Robb confessed. “我以为他会把我给杀了,”罗柏坦承,
  "Did you see the way he threw down Hal, like he was no bigger than Rickon? “你看他推倒哈尔的样子吗?好像当他是瑞肯!
  Gods, I was so scared. 诸神在上,真是吓死我了。
  And the Greatjon's not the worst of them, only the loudest. 大琼恩还不是最麻烦的,他只是嗓门最大而已。
  Lord Roose never says a word, he only looks at me, 卢斯大人他一句话也不说,就这么看着我,
  and all I can think of is that room they have in the Dreadfort, where the Boltons hang the skins of their enemies." 结果我满脑子想的都是他恐怖堡里那个房间,听说波顿家族的人把敌人的皮剥下来挂在那儿。”
  "That's just one of Old Nan's stories," Bran said. A note of doubt crept into his voice. "Isn't it?" “那只是老奶妈的故事,”布兰说,一丝怀疑却爬进了他的嗓音。“对吧?”
  "I don't know." He gave a weary shake of his head. “我不知道。”哥哥虚弱地摇摇头。
  "Lord Cerwyn means to take his daughter south with us. To cook for him, he says. “赛文大人打算带他女儿一道南下,说要为他煮饭。
  Theon is certain I'll find the girl in my bedroll one night. I wish... I wish Father was here... " 可席恩却肯定,某天夜里我一定会发现这女孩躺进我的睡铺。我好希望……我好希望父亲也在……”