冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第801期:第三十八章 布兰(15)(在线收听

   And Father had gone south, with Arya and Sansa, and Jory and Hullen and Fat Tom and the rest, 父亲也去了南方,他带着艾莉亚和珊莎,乔里、胡伦、胖汤姆和其他人,

  and later Mother and Sir Rodrik had gone, and they hadn't come back either. 后来母亲和罗德利克爵士亦跟着去了,他们至今也都没回来。
  And now Robb meant to go. 而今罗柏也要去,
  Not to King's Landing and not to swear fealty, but to Riverrun, with a sword in his hand. 况且目的并非前往君临宣誓效忠,而是手握利剑,杀到奔流城去。
  And if their lord father were truly a prisoner, that could mean his death for a certainty. 假如父亲大人真的身在狱中,此举等于是宣判了他的死刑。
  It frightened Bran more than he could say. 布兰害怕得不知如何是好。
  "If Robb has to go, watch over him," Bran entreated the old gods, as they watched him with the heart tree's red eyes, “如果罗柏非去不可,请您们务必看顾他,”在远古诸神透过心树红眼睛的注视之下,布兰向他们祈求。
  "and watch over his men, Hal and Quent and the rest, and Lord Umber and Lady Mormont and the other lords. “也请您们看顾他的部下,看顾哈尔、昆特他们,以及安柏大人、莫尔蒙夫人和其他诸侯。
  And Theon too, I suppose. 还有,还有席恩罢。
  Watch them and keep them safe, if it please you, gods. 看顾他们,让他们平平安安,神啊。
  Help them defeat the Lannisters and save Father and bring them home." 请帮助他们打败兰尼斯特家的军队,救出父亲,把他带回家。”
  A faint wind sighed through the godswood and the red leaves stirred and whispered. 一阵微风拂过神木林,有如深沉的叹息,红叶沙沙作响,彼此窃窃私语。
  Summer bared his teeth. 夏天露出利齿。
  "You hear them, boy?" a voice asked. “小子,你听见他们的回答了吗?”一个声音问。
  Bran lifted his head. Osha stood across the pool, beneath an ancient oak, her face shadowed by leaves. 布兰抬起头,发现欧莎站在水池对面,正好在一棵古老的橡树底下,树叶遮住了她的脸。
  Even in irons, the wildling moved quiet as a cat. 即使戴着手铐脚镣,这名野人依旧敏捷如猫。
  Summer circled the pool, sniffed at her. 夏天绕过池子,朝她嗅了嗅。
  The tall woman flinched. 高个女人不禁一缩。