冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第802期:第三十八章 布兰(16)(在线收听

   Summer, to me, Bran called. The direwolf took one final sniff, spun, and bounded back. “夏天,过来。”布兰唤道。冰原狼闻了最后一下,转身跑回。

  Bran wrapped his arms around him. 布兰伸手抱住它。
  "What are you doing here?" “你在这里做什么?”
  He had not seen Osha since they'd taken her captive in the wolfswood, though he knew she'd been set to working in the kitchens. 自她在狼林被俘之后,布兰便没再见过她,但他知道她被派去厨房工作。
  They are my gods too, Osha said. “他们也是我的神,”欧莎道,
  "Beyond the Wall, they are the only gods." “在长城之外,他们是惟一的真神。”
  Her hair was growing out, brown and shaggy. It made her look more womanly,  她逐渐长长的棕色短发,和着那件朴素的棕色粗布衣,使她看起来比较像个女人。
  that and the simple dress of brown roughspun they'd given her when they took her mail and leather. 至于她的盔甲和皮革背心,早在被捕时就被拿走了。
  "Gage lets me have my prayers from time to time, when I feel the need, “盖奇时常会放我来这儿祷告,当我有需要的时候;
  and I let him do as he likes under my skirt, when he feels the need.  而我也会让他掀起我的裙子办事,当他有需要的时候。
  It's nothing to me. I like the smell of flour on his hands, and he's gentler than Stiv." 对我来说这没什么,我还挺喜欢他手上的面粉味,更何况他比史帝夫温柔多了。”
  She gave an awkward bow. 她有些不自在地鞠了个躬。
  "I'll leave you. There's pots that want scouring." “我不打扰了,还有些罐子要涮呢。”
  No, stay, Bran commanded her. “不,留下来。”布兰命令她。
  "Tell me what you meant, about hearing the gods." “你刚才说能听见神说话,告诉我那是什么意思。”
  Osha studied him. "You asked them and they're answering. 欧莎端详着他。“你向他们祈求,而他们正在回答。
  Open your ears, listen, you'll hear." 竖起耳朵,仔细倾听,你就会听到。”
  Bran listened. "It's only the wind," he said after a moment, uncertain. "The leaves are rustling." 布兰竖耳倾听。“不过是风声,”听了一会儿后,他不太确定地说,“还有叶子响动。”
  Who do you think sends the wind, if not the gods? “你以为这风是谁送来的?当然是天上诸神啊。”
  She seated herself across the pool from him, clinking faintly as she moved. 她在池对面坐下来,身上的锁链一阵轻响。