冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第804期:第三十八章 布兰(18)(在线收听

   Osha eyed him with a sour smile. 欧莎似笑非笑地看了他一眼。

  "Now there's a big man," she said. "He has giant's blood in him, or I'm the queen." “这可真是个大块头啊,”她道,“我敢说,他体内有巨人的血统。”
  "Maester Luwin says there are no more giants. He says they're all dead, like the children of the forest. “鲁温师傅说世界上已经没有巨人了,他们都死了,和森林之子一样。
  All that's left of them are old bones in the earth that men turn up with plows from time to time." 剩下的只是他们的骨头,埋在地底,农夫犁田的时候常会翻到。”
  "Let Maester Luwin ride beyond the Wall," Osha said. "He'll find giants then, or they'll find him. “你叫鲁温师傅到长城外面去瞧瞧,”欧莎说:“他会看到巨人,不然巨人也会找上他。
  My brother killed one. Ten foot tall she was, and stunted at that. 我老哥就杀死过一个,她身高十尺,这还算是矮的。
  They've been known to grow big as twelve and thirteen feet. Fierce things they are too, all hair and teeth, 据说他们可以长到十二尺或十三尺,性情凶猛,浑身体毛,还生着尖牙齿。
  and the wives have beards like their husbands, so there's no telling them apart. 女巨人和她们的丈夫一样长有胡子,让人难以辨认。
  The women take human men for lovers, and it's from them the half bloods come. 女巨人也会找人类男子当情人,巨人的血统就是这样流传出来的。
  It goes harder on the women they catch. 相反,女方则做不到,
  The men are so big they'll rip a maid apart before they get her with child." 男巨人体型太大,被他们强暴的女孩子还没怀孕就先被扯裂了。”
  She grinned at him. "But you don't know what I mean, do you, boy?" 她对他嘿嘿一笑。“小子,我看你不明白我在说什么,对吧?”
  "Yes I do," Bran insisted. He understood about mating; he had seen dogs in the yard, and watched a stallion mount a mare. “我知道啦。”布兰坚持。他知道交配是怎么回事:他看过场子上的狗交配,也见过公马骑母马,
  But talking about it made him uncomfortable. 但谈论这方面的事令他不太舒服。
  He looked at Hodor. "Go back and bring your clothes, Hodor," he said. "Go dress." 他望向阿多。“阿多,去把你的衣服拿来,”他说:“去把衣服穿上。”