冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第805期:第三十八章 布兰(19)(在线收听

   "Hodor." He walked back the way he had come, ducking under a low-hanging tree limb. “阿多。”他循原路走回,弯身穿过一根低垂的树枝。

  He was awfully big, Bran thought as he watched him go. 他块头真的好大呀,布兰目送他离去,心里想着。
  "Are there truly giants beyond the Wall?" he asked Osha, uncertainly. “长城外真的有巨人吗?”他有些迟疑地问欧莎。
  "Giants and worse than giants, Lordling. “小少爷,不只巨人,还有比巨人更可怕的东西。
  I tried to tell your brother when he asked his questions, him and your maester and that smiley boy Greyjoy. 你哥哥盘问我的时候,我就是这么跟他和你家老学士,以及那成天笑嘻嘻的葛雷乔伊说的。
  The cold winds are rising, and men go out from their fires and never come back... or if they do, they're not men no more, 冷风已然吹起,人们若是离开炉火,就一去不返……就算回得来,也已经不是人了。
  but only wights, with blue eyes and cold black hands. 他们变成尸鬼,生了蓝眼睛和冷冰冰的黑手。
  Why do you think I run south with Stiv and Hali and the rest of them fools? 你以为我和史帝夫、哈莉以及其他那几个蠢蛋为啥逃到南方?
  Mance thinks he'll fight, the sweet brave stubborn man, like the white walkers were no more than rangers, but what does he know? 曼斯这固执幼稚的老小子,自以为勇敢,想要对付他们,好像白鬼跟游骑兵没两样,可他懂什么?
  He can call himself King-beyond-the-Wall all he likes, but he's still just another old black crow who flew down from the Shadow Tower. 他再怎么自称‘塞外之王’,说穿了还不是只影子塔上飞下来的臭乌鸦?
  He's never tasted winter. 他根本没尝过冬天的滋味。
  I was born up there, child, like my mother and her mother before her and her mother before her, born of the Free Folk. We remember." 我告诉你,小子,我是在那儿出生的,跟我老妈,我老妈的老妈以及她祖上好几代一样,我们是天生的‘自由民’,冬天什么样子,我们可是记得一清二楚。”
  Osha stood, her chains rattling together. "I tried to tell your lordling brother. Only yesterday, when I saw him in the yard. 欧莎站起身,脚上的铁链喀啦作响。“我试着告诉你那城主老哥,就昨天,我还在场子上见着他。