冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第806期:第三十八章 布兰(20)(在线收听

   M'lord Stark,' I called to him, respectful as you please, but he looked through me, and that sweaty oaf Greatjon Umber shoves me out of the path. ‘史塔克大人,’我叫他,客气得可以,可他正眼都不瞧我一眼,而那满身汗臭的笨牛大琼恩·安柏手一挥就把我推开。

  So be it. I'll wear my irons and hold my tongue. 既然这样,那就算啦,我就乖乖闭上嘴巴,戴着铁链。
  A man who won't listen can't hear." 不愿倾听的人自然什么也听不到。”
  Tell me. Robb will listen to me, I know he will. “跟我说吧。我说的话罗柏会听,我知道他会听。”
  Will he now? We'll see. “真的吗?那好。
  You tell him this, m'lord. You tell him he's bound on marching the wrong way. 大人,您就这么跟他说:你走错了方向,
  It's north he should be taking his swords. North, not south. You hear me? 应该带兵去北方。北方,不是南方,你听懂了没?”
  Bran nodded. "I'll tell him." 布兰点点头。“我会告诉他的。”
  But that night, when they feasted in the Great Hall, Robb was not with them. 然而当晚在大厅用餐时,罗柏却不在场。
  He took his meal in the solar instead, with Lord Rickard and the Greatjon and the other lords bannermen, to make the final plans for the long march to come. 他在书房里用餐,和瑞卡德伯爵、大琼恩以及其他诸侯共商大计,为即将来临的长征做最后策划。
  It was left to Bran to fill his place at the head of the table, and act the host to Lord Karstark's sons and honored friends. 于是布兰只好扮演主人的角色,代替他坐在餐桌首席,欢迎卡史塔克伯爵的儿子和部下。
  They were already at their places when Hodor carried Bran into the hall on his back, and knelt beside the high seat. 阿多背着布兰走进大厅时,他们都已就座。阿多在高位旁蹲下,
  Two of the serving men helped lift him from his basket. 两名仆人把他从篮子里抱出。
  Bran could feel the eyes of every stranger in the hall. It had grown quiet. 布兰觉得整个大厅顿时安静下来,每一双陌生的眼睛都盯着他看。
  "My lords," Hallis Mollen announced, "Brandon Stark, of Winterfell." “诸位大人,”哈里斯·莫兰朗声宣布,“临冬城的布兰登·史塔克到。”