冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第807期:第三十八章 布兰(21)(在线收听

   I welcome you to our fires, Bran said stiffly, "and offer you meat and mead in honor of our friendship." “欢迎各位来到我们的火炉边,”布兰生硬地说,“让我们共享佳肴美酒,象征友谊长存。”

  Harrion Karstark, the oldest of Lord Rickard's sons, bowed, and his brothers after him, 卡史塔克伯爵的大儿子哈利昂·卡史塔克鞠了个躬,他的弟弟们也依次行礼,
  yet as they settled back in their places he heard the younger two talking in low voices, over the clatter of wine cups. 可当他们坐下后,在一片酒杯碰撞声中,他却听见那两个小儿子低声交谈。
  "... sooner die than live like that," muttered one, his father's namesake Eddard, “……宁愿死也不要这样苟延残喘。”名叫艾德的那个说,
  and his brother Torrhen said likely the boy was broken inside as well as out, too craven to take his own life. 而另一个叫托伦的则说那男孩大概不只身体残废,心里也是残废,胆子太小,不敢自杀。
  Broken, Bran thought bitterly as he clutched his knife. 残废,布兰握着餐刀,心中苦涩地想,
  Is that what he was now? Bran the Broken?  这就是现在的他?残废的布兰?
  "I don't want to be broken," he whispered fiercely to Maester Luwin, who'd been seated to his right. “我也不想残废啊,”他语气激烈地对坐在右手边的鲁温学士低语,
  "I want to be a knight." “我想当骑士。”
  There are some who call my order the knights of the mind, Luwin replied. “有人称我的组织为‘心灵的骑士’,”鲁温回答,
  "You are a surpassing clever boy when you work at it, Bran. “布兰,你一旦用心起来,是个聪明绝顶的孩子。
  Have you ever thought that you might wear a maester's chain? 你可曾考虑戴上学士的项链?
  There is no limit to what you might learn." 学海无涯,你想学什么都可以。”
  I want to learn magic, Bran told him. “我想学魔法。”布兰告诉他,
  "The crow promised that I would fly." “我梦里那只乌鸦向我保证我可以飞。”
  Maester Luwin sighed. "I can teach you history, healing, herblore. 鲁温学士叹了口气。“我可以教你历史、医术和药草知识;
  I can teach you the speech of ravens, and how to build a castle, and the way a sailor steers his ship by the stars. 可以教你如何与乌鸦沟通、如何修筑城堡;可以教你水手是如何借助星辰制定航向;