冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第808期:第三十八章 布兰(22)(在线收听

   I can teach you to measure the days and mark the seasons, and at the Citadel in Oldtown they can teach you a thousand things more. 可以教你如何计算历法、观测季节。在旧镇的学城里,他们还可以教你一千种其他功夫。

  But, Bran, no man can teach you magic." 但是,布兰,没有人能教你魔法。”
  The children could, Bran said. "The children of the forest." “森林之子可以,”布兰说,“森林之子一定可以。”
  That reminded him of the promise he had made to Osha in the godswood, so he told Luwin what she had said. 这让他想起早先时在神木林里答应欧莎的事,于是他把她所说的话一五一十告诉了鲁温师傅。
  The maester listened politely. 老学士很有礼貌地听完。
  "The wildling woman could give Old Nan lessons in telling tales, I think," he said when Bran was done. “我认为这个女野人可以教老奶妈说故事。”布兰讲完之后,他静静地说,
  "I will talk with her again if you like, but it would be best if you did not trouble your brother with this folly. “你坚持的话,我可以再去跟她谈谈,不过,我认为你最好别拿这些荒唐话去烦你哥哥。
  He has more than enough to concern him without fretting over giants and dead men in the woods. 他要操心的事情已经够多,没时间理会什么巨人和林子里的死者。
  It's the Lannisters who hold your lord father, Bran, not the children of the forest." 布兰,囚禁你父亲的是兰尼斯特,而非森林之子啊。”
  He put a gentle hand on Bran's arm. 他轻拍布兰手臂。
  "Think on what I said, child." “孩子,仔细想想我说的话吧。”
  And two days later, as a red dawn broke across a windswept sky, 两天后,当晨光染红强风吹拂的天边薄云之际,
  Bran found himself in the yard beneath the gatehouse, strapped atop Dancer as he said his farewells to his brother. 布兰被捆在小舞背上,在城门楼下的广场与哥哥道别。
  You are the lord in Winterfell now, Robb told him. “如今你就是临冬城主,”罗柏告诉他。
  He was mounted on a shaggy grey stallion, his shield hung from the horse's side; 哥哥骑着一匹长毛的灰骏马,盾牌悬挂在旁边:
  wood banded with iron, white and grey, and on it the snarling face of a direwolf. 木造盾牌,外镶铁片,灰白相间,上面刻画了咆哮的冰原狼头。