冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第809期:第三十八章 布兰(23)(在线收听

   His brother wore grey chainmail over bleached leathers, sword and dagger at his waist, a fur-trimmed cloak across his shoulders. 他身穿漂白的皮革背心,外罩灰色锁子甲,腰际挂着长剑和匕首,肩披绒毛滚边的披风。

  "You must take my place, as I took Father's, until we come home." “你必须暂代我职,如同我暂代父亲的位置一样,直到我们回家。”
  I know, Bran replied miserably. “我知道。”布兰可怜兮兮地回答。
  He had never felt so little or alone or scared. 他从未感觉如此孤单寂寞,又如此害怕。
  He did not know how to be a lord. 他根本不知道城主该怎么当。
  Listen to Maester Luwin's counsel, and take care of Rickon. “听从鲁温师傅的意见,并好好照顾瑞肯。
  Tell him that I'll be back as soon as the fighting is done. 告诉他,等战事结束,我就立刻回家。”
  Rickon had refused to come down. 瑞肯拒绝下楼,
  He was up in his chamber, redeyed and defiant. 他红着眼睛,倔强地躲在楼上卧房里。
  "No!" he'd screamed when Bran had asked if he didn't want to say farewell to Robb. "NO farewell!" “不要!”当布兰问他要不要跟罗柏说再见时,他大声尖叫,“不要说再见!”
  I told him, Bran said. "He says no one ever comes back." “我跟他说过了,”布兰道,“可他说大家都没回来。”
  He can't be a baby forever. He's a Stark, and near four. Robb sighed. “他不能永远当个小孩子。他是史塔克家族的人,已经快满四岁了。”罗柏叹道,
  "Well, Mother will be home soon. And I'll bring back Father, I promise." “嗯,母亲就快回来了,我也会把父亲带回来,我向你保证。”
  He wheeled his courser around and trotted away. 说完,他调转马头,快步跑开。
  Grey Wind followed, loping beside the warhorse, lean and swift. 灰风身形矫健地跟了上去,跑在战马旁边。
  Hallis Mollen went before them through the gate, carrying the rippling white banner of House Stark atop a high standard of grey ash. 哈里斯·莫兰走在最前,领头穿过城门,高举史塔克家族的灰白旗帜,旌旗在风中飘动。
  Theon Greyjoy and the Greatjon fell in on either side of Robb, 席恩·葛雷乔伊和大琼恩走在罗柏两侧,
  and their knights formed up in a double column behind them, steel-tipped lances glinting in the sun. 骑士们则成两列纵队紧随在后,钢铁枪尖在日光下闪闪发亮。