冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第810期:第三十八章 布兰(24)(在线收听

   Uncomfortably, he remembered Osha's words. He's marching the wrong way, he thought. 他不安地想起欧莎所说的话,他走错方向了。

  For an instant he wanted to gallop after him and shout a warning, 一时之间,他竟想纵马追上,高声警告,
  but when Robb vanished beneath the portcullis, the moment was gone. 但罗柏很快消失在闸门之外,时机转瞬即逝。
  Beyond the castle walls, a roar of sound went up.  城墙之外响起阵阵欢呼,
  The foot soldiers and townsfolk were cheering Robb as he rode past, Bran knew; 布兰知道这是步兵和镇民在夹道欢送罗柏,
  cheering for Lord Stark, for the Lord of Winterfell on his great stallion, with his cloak streaming and Grey Wind racing beside him. 欢送史塔克大人,欢送跨骑骏马的临冬城主,他的披风在风中飘动,灰风奔驰于身畔。
  They would never cheer for him that way, he realized with a dull ache. 他突然想到,他们永远也不会这样为他欢呼,心里不禁隐隐作痛。
  He might be the lord in Winterfell while his brother and father were gone, but he was still Bran the Broken. 父兄不在时,他或许能暂任临冬城主,但他依旧是“残废的布兰”,
  He could not even get off his own horse, except to fall. 连自己下马都做不到,除非是摔下去。
  When the distant cheers had faded to silence and the yard was empty at last, Winterfell seemed deserted and dead. 当远处的欢呼声逐渐平息,终归寂静,广场上的部队都离开之后,临冬城仿佛遭人遗弃,了无生气。
  Bran looked around at the faces of those who remained, women and children and old men... and Hodor. 布兰环顾周遭留下来的老弱妇孺……还有阿多。
  The huge stableboy had a lost and frightened look to his face. "Hodor?" he said sadly. 高个马僮脸上有种失落和害怕的神情。“阿多?”他哀伤地说。
  "Hodor," Bran agreed, wondering what it meant. “阿多。”布兰附和,心里却不知道那是什么意思。