冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第811期:第三十八章 丹妮莉丝(1)(在线收听

   Daenerys. When he had taken his pleasure, Khal Drogo rose from their sleeping mats to tower above her. 丹妮莉丝。卓戈卡奥满足之后,便从他们睡觉的草席上站起来,高高地立在她身边。

  His skin shone dark as bronze in the ruddy light from the brazier, the faint lines of old scars visible on his broad chest. 在火盆的红润光线照耀下,他的皮肤沉黑有如青铜,旧时伤疤的线条在他宽阔的胸膛上若隐若现。
  Ink-black hair, loose and unbound, cascaded over his shoulders and down his back, well past his waist. 他的墨黑长发松散开来,如瀑布般垂过肩膀,沿着背部直下腰际。
  His manhood glistened wetly. 他的命根湿淋淋地闪闪发光。
  The khal's mouth twisted in a frown beneath the droop of his long mustachio. 卡奥的嘴巴隐藏于长长的胡须之下,这时有些不悦地抿起双唇。
  "The stallion who mounts the world has no need of iron chairs." “骑着世界的骏马不需要铁椅子。”
  Dany propped herself on an elbow to look up at him, so tall and magnificent. 丹妮用手肘撑起身子,抬头望着他。他是如此雄伟高大,
  She loved his hair especially. 她尤其钟爱他的头发。
  It had never been cut; he had never known defeat. 他从未剪过;因为他从未战败。
  "It was prophesied that the stallion will ride to the ends of the earth," she said. “预言所载,骏马将行至世界尽头。”她说。
  "The earth ends at the black salt sea," Drogo answered at once. “世界的尽头是黑色咸海,”卓戈立刻答道。
  He wet a cloth in a basin of warm water to wipe the sweat and oil from his skin. 他把布在温水盆里浸湿,揩掉皮肤上的汗水和油。
  "No horse can cross the poison water." “没有马可以穿越毒水。”
  "In the Free Cities, there are ships by the thousand," Dany told him, as she had told him before. “自由贸易城邦有几千艘船,”丹妮一如既往地告诉他,
  "Wooden horses with a hundred legs, that fly across the sea on wings full of wind." “它们就像生了几百只脚的木马,能够乘风展翼,横越海洋。”