冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第812期:第三十八章 丹妮莉丝(2)(在线收听

   Khal Drogo did not want to hear it. 卓戈卡奥不想听。

  "We will speak no more of wooden horses and iron chairs." “我们不要再谈木马和铁椅子。”
  He dropped the cloth and began to dress. 他丢下湿布,开始穿衣服。
  "This day I will go to the grass and hunt, woman wife," “女人妻子,今天我将到草原上打猎。”
  he announced as he shrugged into a painted vest and buckled on a wide belt with heavy medallions of silver, gold, and bronze. 他一边穿上彩绘背心,扣上沉重的金银铜章大腰带,一边宣布。
  "Yes, my sun-and-stars," Dany said. “好的,我的日和星。”丹妮说。
  Drogo would take his bloodriders and ride in search of hrakkar, the great white lion of the plains. 卓戈会带他的血盟卫外出寻找“赫拉卡”,就是草原上的大白狮。
  If they returned triumphant, her lord husband's joy would be fierce, and he might be willing to hear her out. 假如他们得手归来,夫君必是兴高采烈,或许就会听她的话。
  Savage beasts he did not fear, nor any man who had ever drawn breath, but the sea was a different matter. 他不畏凶猛野兽,或是世上任何一人,但海洋却不同。
  To the Dothraki, water that a horse could not drink was something foul; 对多斯拉克人而言,只要马不能喝的水就是不洁的东西,
  the heaving grey-green plains of the ocean filled them with superstitious loathing. 波涛汹涌的灰绿洋面让他们有种迷信的憎厌。
  Drogo was a bolder man than the other horselords in half a hundred ways, she had found... but not in this. 她很清楚,卓戈在无数方面都比其他马王勇敢……只有这点他做不到。
  If only she could get him onto a ship...  若她有办法让他上船就好了……
  After the khal and his bloodriders had ridden off with their bows, Dany summoned her handmaids. 等卡奥和他的血盟卫带着弓箭离开后,丹妮召来女仆。
  Her body felt so fat and ungainly now that she welcomed the help of their strong arms and deft hands, 如今身体越发臃肿笨拙,她反而喜欢她们健壮的臂膀和灵巧的双手,
  whereas before she had often been uncomfortable with the way they fussed and fluttered about her.  从前她对于她们东摸西碰感到不适。