冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第814期:第三十八章 丹妮莉丝(4)(在线收听

   "The Dothraki do things in their own time, for their own reasons," the knight said. “多斯拉克人行事自有其步调和理由,”骑士回答,

  "Have patience, Princess. Do not make your brother's mistake.  “公主,请您耐心等待,不要重蹈你哥哥的覆辙。
  We will go home, I promise you." 我们会回家的,我向你保证。”
  Home? The word made her feel sad. 家?这个字眼令她悲伤。
  Sir Jorah had his Bear Island, but what was home to her? 乔拉爵士有熊岛可归,但她的家在哪里?
  A few tales, names recited as solemnly as the words of a prayer, the fading memory of a red door... was Vaes Dothrak to be her home forever? 是那几个故事,那几个有如祷词般庄严吟诵的名号,还是回忆中逐渐消逝的红漆大门?……难道维斯·多斯拉克将是她永恒的归宿?
  When she looked at the crones of the dosh khaleen, was she looking at her future? 当她看着多希卡林的众老妪时,她可是目睹了自己的未来?
  Sir Jorah must have seen the sadness on her face. 乔拉爵士应是察觉到她脸上的哀伤。
  "A great caravan arrived during the night, Khaleesi. “卡丽熙,昨晚有大批商队进城,
  Four hundred horses, from Pentos by way of Norvos and Qohor, under the command of Merchant Captain Byan Votyris. 足足有四百匹马,他们从潘托斯经诺佛斯和科霍尔而来,由商队统领拜安·佛提利斯领队。
  Illyrio may have sent a letter. Would you care to visit the Western Market?" 伊利里欧曾答应与我们通信联络,说不定捎了信来,您要不要到城西市集去逛一趟?”
  Dany stirred. "Yes," she said. "I would like that." 丹妮起身。“好的。”她说,“我很想去。”
  The markets came alive when a caravan had come in. 每当有商队进城,市集便会热闹起来。
  You could never tell what treasures the traders might bring this time, 你永远也不知道这回商人们又带来什么奇珍异宝,
  and it would be good to hear men speaking Valyrian again, as they did in the Free Cities. 况且能听到有人说瓦雷利亚语,总是件很愉快的事情。自由贸易城邦的人都操这种语言。
  "Irri, have them prepare a litter." “伊丽,叫人帮我备轿。”
  "I shall tell your khas," Sir Jorah said, withdrawing. “我去通知您的卡斯部众。”乔拉说着也退下。
  If Khal Drogo had been with her, Dany would have ridden her silver.  如果卓戈卡奥在她身边,丹妮就会骑小银马外出。