冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第817期:第三十八章 丹妮莉丝(7)(在线收听

   Dany liked the strangeness of the Eastern Market too, with all its queer sights and sounds and smells. 丹妮也很喜欢城东市集,那里的事物、声音和气味都充满异国情调。

  She often spent her mornings there, nibbling tree eggs, locust pie, and green noodles, listening to the high ululating voices of the spellsingers, 她时常整个早上泡在那里,吃吃树卵、蝗虫馅饼和绿面条,听听吟咒师高亢的嚎叫,
  gaping at manticores in silver cages and immense grey elephants and the striped black-and-white horses of the Jogos Nhai. 张大嘴巴看着来自鸠格斯奈,关在银笼子里的狮首蝎尾兽、巨大无比的灰象、以及黑白斑马。
  She enjoyed watching all the people too: 她也喜欢观看形形色色的人群:
  dark solemn Asshai'i and tall pale Qartheen, the bright-eyed men of Yi Ti in monkey-tail hats, 肤色黝黑、表情凝重的亚夏人;高大白皙的魁尔斯人;头戴猴尾帽、眼睛炯炯有神的夷地人;
  warrior maids from Bayasabhad, Shamyriana, and Kayakayanaya with iron rings in their nipples and rubies in their cheeks, 以及来自巴亚撒布哈德、沙米利安纳和卡亚卡亚纳亚等地,乳头串上铁环、两颊镶着红玉的处女战士;
  even the dour and frightening Shadow Men, who covered their arms and legs and chests with tattoos and hid their faces behind masks. 甚至是面色阴郁、令人害怕的阴影之民,他们的手、脚和胸膛上都是刺青,脸则用面具遮住。
  The Eastern Market was a place of wonder and magic for Dany. 对丹妮而言,城东市集是个充满惊奇和魔法的地方。
  But the Western Market smelled of home. 但城西市集,却有家的味道。
  As Irri and Jhiqui helped her from her litter, she sniffed, and recognized the sharp odors of garlic and pepper, 伊丽和姬琪扶她步下轿子,她借机嗅了一下,立刻辨出大蒜和胡椒的辛辣味道,
  scents that reminded Dany of days long gone in the alleys of Tyrosh and Myr and brought a fond smile to her face. 令她回忆起从前在泰洛西和密尔巷弄里的日子,不禁开心地笑了出来。
  Under that she smelled the heady sweet perfumes of Lys. 在这些味道之外,她又闻到里斯甜腻得令人头晕目眩的香水味。
  She saw slaves carrying bolts of intricate Myrish lace and fine wools in a dozen rich colors. 她看见奴隶背着繁重的密尔蕾丝和十数种颜色的高级羊毛。