冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第821期:第三十八章 丹妮莉丝(11)(在线收听

   When Doreah looked longingly at a fertility charm at a magician's booth, Dany took that too and gave it to the handmaid, 她见多莉亚以渴望的目光看着魔法师摊位上的丰饶护身符,就收下来送给侍女,

  thinking that now she should find something for Irri and Jhiqui as well. 心想也该找些别的送给伊丽和姬琪。
  Turning a corner, they came upon a wine merchant offering thimble-sized cups of his wares to the passersby. 转了个弯,他们来到一名酒商的摊贩前,那人正拿着精制的小陶杯请经过的人喝。
  "Sweet reds," he cried in fluent Dothraki, "I have sweet reds, from Lys and Volantis and the Arbor. “香甜的红酒啰,”他用流利的多斯拉克语喊,“我有里斯、瓦兰提斯和青亭岛产的香甜红酒、
  Whites from Lys, Tyroshi pear brandy, firewine, pepperwine, the pale green nectars of Myr. Smokeberry browns and Andalish sours, I have them, I have them." 里斯产的白酒、泰洛西产的梨子白兰地、火酒、胡椒酒和密尔产的淡绿神酒、烟莓棕酒和安达尔酸酒,我通通都有,通通都有啰。”
  He was a small man, slender and handsome, his flaxen hair curled and perfumed after the fashion of Lys. 他个头很小,生得纤瘦而英俊,淡黄头发梳成里斯流行的款式,烫卷中搽了香水。
  When Dany paused before his stall, he bowed low. "A taste for the khaleesi? 当丹妮停在他摊位前时,他深深鞠躬,“卡丽熙,您要不要尝一口?
  I have a sweet red from Dorne, my lady, it sings of plums and cherries and rich dark oak. 尊贵的夫人,我有多恩产的夏日红酒,乃是用蜜李、樱桃和漂亮的黑橡木酿成。
  A cask, a cup, a swallow? 您是要一桶、一杯、还是一口?
  One taste, and you will name your child after me." 您只需喝上一口,保证会用我的名字为孩子命名。”
  Dany smiled. "My son has his name, but I will try your summerwine," she said in Valyrian, Valyrian as they spoke it in the Free Cities. 丹妮浅浅一笑。“我儿子已经有名字了,不过我还是尝尝你的夏日红吧。”她用自由贸易城邦口音的瓦雷利亚语说。
  The words felt strange on her tongue, after so long. 这么久没用,讲起来还真有些古怪。
  "Just a taste, if you would be so kind." “一口就好,麻烦你了。”