冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第823期:第三十八章 丹妮莉丝(13)(在线收听

   Khal Drogo and I will share it together. “而卓戈卡奥将与我共饮此酒。

  Aggo, take this back to my litter, if you'd be so kind. 阿戈,麻烦你把这个拿回我的轿子。”
  The wineseller beamed as the Dothraki hefted the cask. 多斯拉克武士搬起酒桶时,酒商的眼睛整个亮了起来。
  She did not realize that Sir Jorah had returned until she heard the knight say, "No." 她没察觉乔拉爵士已经返回,直到她听见骑士喝道:“慢着!”
  His voice was strange, brusque. "Aggo, put down that cask." 他的声音怪异而粗鲁。“阿戈,把那桶酒放下。”
  Aggo looked at Dany. She gave a hesitant nod. 阿戈看看丹妮,她有些犹豫地点点头。
  "Sir Jorah, is something wrong?" “乔拉爵士,有什么不对?”
  I have a thirst. Open it, wineseller. “我口正渴,老板,把酒打开。”
  The merchant frowned. "The wine is for the khaleesi, not for the likes of you, ser." 酒贩皱起眉头。“爵士,酒是要送给卡丽熙,不是给你这种人喝的。”
  Sir Jorah moved closer to the stall. 乔拉爵士走近摊位。
  "If you don't open it, I'll crack it open with your head." “你如果不打开,我就用你的头敲开。”
  He carried no weapons here in the sacred city, save his hands, 碍于圣城戒律,他并未携带武器,仅有双手,
  yet his hands were enough, big, hard, dangerous, his knuckles covered with coarse dark hairs. 然而他那双手强壮结实、肌肉虬张,关节上长满黑毛,散发出危险的气息。
  The wineseller hesitated a moment, then took up his hammer and knocked the plug from the cask. 酒商迟疑了一会儿,终于拿起锤子,敲开封盖。
  Pour, Sir Jorah commanded. 倒酒。”乔拉爵士下令。
  The four young warriors of Dany's khas arrayed themselves behind him, frowning, watching with their dark, almond-shaped eyes. “丹妮卡斯部众的四名年轻武士在他身后一字排开,睁大黑色的杏仁眼,皱起眉头看着他。
  It would be a crime to drink this rich a wine without letting it breathe. “这么好的酒,假如不让它先透透气就喝,简直是滔天大罪啊。”
  The wineseller had not put his hammer down. 酒商的锤子没有放下。
  Jhogo reached for the whip coiled at his belt, but Dany stopped him with a light touch on the arm. 乔戈伸手要取盘在腰间的鞭子,但丹妮轻触他的手臂,表示制止。
  "Do as Sir Jorah says," she said. “照乔拉爵士说的做。”她说。
  People were stopping to watch. 附近的人纷纷驻足观看。