冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第824期:第三十八章 丹妮莉丝(14)(在线收听

   The man gave her a quick, sullen glance. " 那人飞快地看了她一眼,神情充满怨怒。

  As the princess commands." “谨遵公主殿下吩咐。”
  He had to set aside his hammer to lift the cask. 他放下锤子,挪动酒桶,
  He filled two thimble-sized tasting cups, pouring so deftly he did not spill a drop. 小心翼翼地倒了两小杯,一滴也没洒出。
  Sir Jorah lifted a cup and sniffed at the wine, frowning. 乔拉爵士举起一杯,皱着眉闻了闻。
  Sweet, isn't it? the wineseller said, smiling. "Can you smell the fruit, ser? “很香吧?”酒商笑眯眯地说,“爵士先生,您可闻出了葡萄的香气?
  The perfume of the Arbor. 青亭岛的特产哟。
  Taste it, my lord, and tell me it isn't the finest, richest wine that's ever touched your tongue." 大人,就请您先尝尝,然后再告诉我这是不是您喝过的最甘甜最浓郁的酒。”
  Sir Jorah offered him the cup. "You taste it first." 乔拉爵士把酒递给他。“你先喝。”
  Me? The man laughed. "I am not worthy of this vintage, my lord. “我?”那人笑笑,“大人,我不够格喝这么好的酒,
  And it's a poor wine merchant who drinks up his own wares." 更何况哪有酒贩子喝自己的酒呢?”
  His smile was amiable, yet she could see the sheen of sweat on his brow. 他的笑容虽然和蔼可亲,但她却看到他额间布满汗珠。
  You will drink, Dany said, cold as ice. “叫你喝你就喝。”丹妮口气冰冷地说,
  "Empty the cup, or I will tell them to hold you down while Sir Jorah pours the whole cask down your throat." “把这杯喝干,不然我就叫他们抓住你,让乔拉爵士把整桶灌进你喉咙。”
  The wineseller shrugged, reached for the cup... and grabbed the cask instead, flinging it at her with both hands. 酒商耸耸肩,伸手去拿杯子……结果却双手抓起酒桶,朝她掷来。
  Sir Jorah bulled into her, knocking her out of the way. 乔拉爵士连忙用力一撞,把她整个人推开,
  The cask bounced off his shoulder and smashed open on the ground. 酒桶滚过他的肩膀,落地裂开。
  Dany stumbled and lost her feet. 丹妮重心不稳跌了一跤。
  "No," she screamed, thrusting her hands out to break her fall... “哎呀!”她尖叫着想伸手撑地……
  and Doreah caught her by the arm and wrenched her backward, so she landed on her legs and not her belly. 幸好多莉亚及时抓住她的手臂往后一拉,所以她是双脚着地,腹部没有受碰撞。