冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第825期:第三十八章 丹妮莉丝(15)(在线收听

   The trader vaulted over the stall, darting between Aggo and Rakharo. 酒商翻身跳过摊位,从阿戈和拉卡洛中间窜了出去,

  Quaro reached for an arakh that was not there as the blond man slammed him aside. 撞开伸手想拿亚拉克弯刀、却扑了个空的魁洛,
  He raced down the aisle. 然后沿着过道逃走。
  Dany heard the snap of Jhogo's whip, saw the leather lick out and coil around the wineseller's leg. 丹妮听到乔戈的鞭子啪啦,只见皮鞭如舌头般窜出,卷住酒贩的脚,
  The man sprawled face first in the dirt. 这金发男子登时面朝下仆倒在地。
  A dozen caravan guards had come running. 十来个商队守卫快步赶来,
  With them was the master himself, Merchant Captain Byan Votyris,  商队统领拜安·佛提利斯也来了。
  a diminutive Norvoshi with skin like old leather and a bristling blue mustachio that swept up to his ears. 他是个诺佛斯人,皮肤有如老旧皮革,身材矮小,蓝色竖胡直上耳际。
  He seemed to know what had happened without a word being spoken. 他一句话也没问,似乎就明白发生了什么。
  "Take this one away to await the pleasure of the khal," he commanded, gesturing at the man on the ground. “把这人带走,听候卡奥发落。”他指着地上的人下令,
  Two guards hauled the wineseller to his feet. 两名守卫随即架起酒贩。
  "His goods I gift to you as well, Princess," the merchant captain went on. “公主殿下,请收下他的酒当礼物。”商队统领继续说,
  "Small token of regret, that one of mine would do this thing." “算是一点不成敬意的补偿,没想到我们商队里竟有人干出这种事,真对不住。”
  Doreah and Jhiqui helped Dany back to her feet. 多莉亚和姬琪扶着丹妮站起来,
  The poisoned wine was leaking from the broken cask into the dirt. 毒酒正从裂开的酒桶缓缓流到泥地上。
  "How did you know?" she asked Sir Jorah, trembling. "How?" “你怎么知道?”她颤抖着问乔拉爵士。“你怎么知道?”
  I did not know, Khaleesi, not until the man refused to drink, but once I read Magister Illyrio's letter, I feared. “卡丽熙,本来我也不知,是看他不肯喝酒方才确定。先前我读了伊利里欧总督的信,就害怕会有这种事发生。”
  His dark eyes swept over the faces of the strangers in the market. 他深色的眼睛环视着市集里围观的陌生人群。
  "Come. Best not to talk of it here." “走吧,不适合在这里谈。”