冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第827期:第三十八章 丹妮莉丝(17)(在线收听

   You and the child, Sir Jorah said, grim. “你和你的孩子。”乔拉爵士脸色凝重地说。

  No. He cannot have my son. “不行,他绝不能伤害我儿子。”
  She would not weep, she decided. She would not shiver with fear. 她暗自决定,自己绝不会哭,也不会恐惧发抖。
  The Usurper has woken the dragon now, she told herself... and her eyes went to the dragon's eggs resting in their nest of dark velvet. 篡夺者唤醒了睡龙之怒,她对自己说……然后她把视线转移到躺在深色天鹅绒上的龙蛋。
  The shifting lamplight limned their stony scales, 摇曳的灯光描绘出它们石面的鳞甲,
  and shimmering motes of jade and scarlet and gold swam in the air around them, like courtiers around a king. 将周遭空气的微尘染成鲜红和金黄,宛如国王身边的廷臣。
  Was it madness that seized her then, born of fear? 接下来紧紧攫住她念头的,是因恐惧而生的疯狂,
  Or some strange wisdom buried in her blood? 还是某种潜藏于血脉之中的怪异智慧?
  Dany could not have said. 丹妮说不准。
  She heard her own voice saying, "Sir Jorah, light the brazier." 她只听见自己的声音道:“乔拉爵士,点起火盆。”
  Khaleesi? The knight looked at her strangely. “卡丽熙?”骑士眼神怪异地看着她。
  "It is so hot. Are you certain?" “天这么热,您确定吗?”
  She had never been so certain. 她这辈子从未如此确定。
  "Yes. I... I have a chill. Light the brazier." “是的。我……我受了点风寒,把火盆点上。”
  He bowed. "As you command." 他鞠了个躬。“如您所愿。”
  When the coals were afire, Dany sent Sir Jorah from her. 煤炭烧起来后,丹妮将乔拉爵士遣走。
  She had to be alone to do what she must do. 她必须在无人注视的情况下才敢完成。
  This is madness, she told herself as she lifted the black-and-scarlet egg from the velvet. 真是疯狂之举,她一边对自己说,一边将那颗黑红交杂的蛋从天鹅绒上拿起来。
  It will only crack and burn, and it's so beautiful, Sir Jorah will call me a fool if I ruin it, and yet, and yet...  蛋只会燃烧崩裂,那将是多么美丽的景象,乔拉爵士若知道我毁了龙蛋。一定会说我是个傻子。可是,可是……
  Cradling the egg with both hands, she carried it to the fire and pushed it down amongst the burning coals.  她两手捧着龙蛋,走到火边,往下一放,把它与燃烧的煤炭放在一起。