冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第829期:第三十八章 丹妮莉丝(19)(在线收听

   When Dany told him what had happened at the market, all laughter stopped, and Khal Drogo grew very quiet. 丹妮把在市集发生的事告诉他之后,所有的笑容都停住了,卓戈卡奥变得非常安静。

  This poisoner was the first, Sir Jorah Mormont warned him, "but he will not be the last. “这个下毒的人是第一个,”乔拉·莫尔蒙爵士警告他,“但绝不会是最后一个。
  Men will risk much for a lordship." 为了贵族封号,很多人会铤而走险。”
  Drogo was silent for a time.  卓戈沉默了一阵子,
  Finally he said, "This seller of poisons ran from the moon of my life. 最后他说:“这个卖毒药的人,想从我生命中的月亮身边逃走,
  Better he should run after her. So he will. 那就让他跟在她后面跑,让他跑。
  Jhogo, Jorah the Andal, to each of you I say, choose any horse you wish from my herds, and it is yours. 乔戈,安达尔人乔拉,我对你们两人说,从我的马群里挑选任何一匹,
  Any horse save my red and the silver that was my bride gift to the moon of my life. 除了我自己的红马和我送给我生命的月亮做为新娘礼的银马——它就是你们的了。
  I make this gift to you for what you did. 我送给你们这件礼物,是为了感谢你们的功绩。”
  And to Rhaego son of Drogo, the stallion who will mount the world, to him I also pledge a gift. “至于卓戈之子雷戈,骑着世界的骏马,我也要送他一件礼物。
  To him I will give this iron chair his mother's father sat in. 我要送他那张他母亲的父亲曾经坐过的铁椅子,
  I will give him Seven Kingdoms. 我要送他七大王国。
  I, Drogo, khal, will do this thing. 我,卓戈,卡奥,要做这件事。”
  His voice rose, and he lifted his fist to the sky. 他的音量渐高,举起拳头对天呼喊,
  "I will take my khalasar west to where the world ends, and ride the wooden horses across the black salt water as no khal has done before. “我要带着我的卡拉萨向西走到世界尽头,骑着木马横渡黑色咸水,做出古往今来其他卡奥都从来没有做过的事。