冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第830期:第三十八章 丹妮莉丝(20)(在线收听

   I will kill the men in the iron suits and tear down their stone houses. 我要杀死穿铁衣服的人,拆了他们的石头房子,

  I will rape their women, take their children as slaves, 我要强奸他们的女人,抓他们的小孩来做奴隶,
  and bring their broken gods back to Vaes Dothrak to bow down beneath the Mother of Mountains. 把他们无用的神像带回维斯·多斯拉克,向圣母山行礼。
  This I vow, I, Drogo son of Bharbo. This I swear before the Mother of Mountains, as the stars look down in witness." 我,拔尔勃之子卓戈在此发誓,在圣母山前发誓,以天上群星为证。”
  His khalasar left Vaes Dothrak two days later, striking south and west across the plains. 两天后,他的卡拉萨离开维斯·多斯拉克,往西南穿越草原。
  Khal Drogo led them on his great red stallion, with Daenerys beside him on her silver. 卓戈卡奥骑着红色骏马领路在前,丹妮莉丝骑着小银马紧跟在他身边。
  The wineseller hurried behind them, naked, on foot, chained at throat and wrists. 至于那个酒贩,则裸着身子,赤脚跑在后面。
  His chains were fastened to the halter of Dany's silver. 他的脖颈和手腕绑着锁链,锁链很长,一直系到丹妮银马的辔头上。
  As she rode, he ran after her, barefoot and stumbling. 她一边骑,他一边跟着她跑,赤裸双脚,步履踉跄。
  No harm would come to him... so long as he kept up. 他不会受到任何伤害……只要他跟上。
  Catelyn. It was too far to make out the banners clearly, but even through the drifting fog she could see that they were white, 凯特琳。虽然距离尚远,无法看清旗帜上的图案,但透过迷朦雾气,她依旧瞧得出那是白色旌旗,
  with a dark smudge in their center that could only be the direwolf of Stark, grey upon its icy field.  中间暗色一点只可能是史塔克家族的灰色冰原奔狼。