冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第831期:第三十九章 凯特琳(1)(在线收听

   When she saw it with her own eyes, Catelyn reined up her horse and bowed her head in thanks. The gods were good. 一会儿,待亲眼目睹之后,凯特琳勒住马缰,低头感谢天上诸神,

  She was not too late. 她总算没有来得太迟。
  They await our coming, my lady, Sir Wylis Manderly said, "as my lord father swore they would." “夫人,他们正等着我们过去呢,”威里斯·曼德勒爵士道,“如我父亲所保证的。”
  Let us not keep them waiting any longer, ser. “那我们就别让他们再等下去吧,爵士先生。”
  Sir Brynden Tully put the spurs to his horse and trotted briskly toward the banners. Catelyn rode beside him. 布林登·徒利爵士轻踢马刺,快步朝前奔去,凯特琳策马与之并肩而行。
  Sir Wylis and his brother Sir Wendel followed, leading their levies, near fifteen hundred men: 威里斯爵士和他的弟弟文德尔爵士跟在后面,率领着为数将近一千五百名士兵:
  some twenty-odd knights and as many squires, 其中包括二十来位骑士和相同数目的侍从,
  two hundred mounted lances, swordsmen, and freeriders, and the rest foot, armed with spears, pikes and tridents. 两百名或持枪或佩剑的骑马战士与自由骑手,其余则是配备长矛、长枪和三叉戟的步兵。
  Lord Wyman had remained behind to see to the defenses of White Harbor. 威曼伯爵留在后方负责白港的防御,
  A man of near sixty years, he had grown too stout to sit a horse. 他已年过六旬,体态臃肿得无法再骑马作战。
  "If I had thought to see war again in my lifetime, I should have eaten a few less eels," “我若知道这辈子还会遇上打仗,就应该少吃几条鳗鱼。”
  he'd told Catelyn when he met her ship, slapping his massive belly with both hands. 前来接船时,他这么对凯特琳说,一边还双手拍拍大肚子,
  His fingers were fat as sausages. 那指头肥得跟香肠没两样。
  "My boys will see you safe to your son, though, have no fear." “不过呢,您用不着担心,我家这两个小鬼会护送您平安达到您儿子那边的。”