冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第833期:第三十九章 凯特琳(3)(在线收听

   They were led to a spot of high ground dry enough for a camp. 他们被领到一处干燥、可供扎营的高地,

  Sir Wylis called a halt there, and remained behind with his men to see the fires laid and the horses tended, 威里斯爵士命令军队停在那里,升起营火,照料马匹。
  while his brother Wendel rode on with Catelyn and her uncle to present their father's respects to their liege lord. 他的弟弟文德尔则陪伴凯特琳和她叔叔,代表他父亲去向少主致意。
  The ground under their horses' hooves was soft and wet. 马蹄下的土地湿软不堪,随着踩踏缓缓下陷。
  It fell away slowly beneath them as they rode past smoky peat fires, lines of horses, and wagons heavy-laden with hardbread and salt beef. 他们行经煤烟袅袅的营火,一排排的战马,满载硬面包和咸牛肉的货车。
  On a stony outcrop of land higher than the surrounding country, they passed a lord's pavilion with walls of heavy sailcloth. 在一个地势较高的裸岩上,他们经过了一座用厚重帆布搭建而成的领主帐篷。
  Catelyn recognized the banner, the bull moose of the Hornwoods, brown on its dark orange field. 凯特琳认出霍伍德家族的旗帜,褐色驼鹿衬着暗橙色底。
  Just beyond, through the mists, she glimpsed the walls and towers of Moat Cailin... or what remained of them. 稍远处,透过雾气,她瞥见了卡林湾的高墙塔楼……或者应该说,高墙塔楼的遗迹。
  Immense blocks of black basalt, each as large as a crofter's cottage, lay scattered and tumbled like a child's wooden blocks, 一块块大如农舍的黑色玄武岩四处倾颓,活像小孩的积木,
  half-sunk in the soft boggy soil. 半沉进湿软的沼地泥泞。
  Nothing else remained of a curtain wall that had once stood as high as Winterfell's. 而由它们所筑成的、曾与临冬城等高的城墙,业已完全消失;
  The wooden keep was gone entirely, rotted away a thousand years past, with not so much as a timber to mark where it had stood.  木造的堡楼更在千年前便已腐烂蛀蚀,如今连半根木头都不剩,再也看不出辉煌一时的痕迹。