冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第835期:第三十九章 凯特琳(5)(在线收听

   The three surviving towers command the causeway from all sides, and any enemy must pass between them. 残存的三塔从三个方面控制堤道,任何北上的敌人都必须从他们中间通过,

  The bogs here are impenetrable, full of quicksands and suckholes and teeming with snakes. 因为沼泽充满流沙和陷坑,毒蛇肆虐其间,无法穿越。
  To assault any of the towers, an army would need to wade through waist-deep black muck, cross a moat full of lizard-lions, 而若要攻打其中一塔,军队必须涉过深至腰部的黑色泥泞,跨越蜥狮出没的护城河,
  and scale walls slimy with moss, all the while exposing themselves to fire from archers in the other towers." 再登上长满青苔、滑溜异常的城墙,同时从头到尾都暴露在另外两塔弓箭手的箭雨之下。”
  She gave her uncle a grim smile. 她故作严峻地朝叔叔一笑,
  "And when night falls, there are said to be ghosts, cold vengeful spirits of the north who hunger for southron blood." “入夜之后,据说这里闹鬼,有很多充满恨意的北方幽魂等着吸南方人的鲜血。”
  Sir Brynden chuckled. "Remind me not to linger here. 布林登爵士笑道:“记得提醒我别在此逗留太久。
  Last I looked, I was southron myself." 我上次照镜子时,看到自己还是个南方人哪。”
  Standards had been raised atop all three towers. 三座塔顶均竖起了旗帜。
  The Karstark sunburst hung from the Drunkard's Tower, beneath the direwolf; 醉鬼塔上的是卡史塔克家族的日芒旗,飘扬于冰原狼旗帜下;
  on the Children's Tower it was the Greatjon's giant in shattered chains. 森林之子塔上则是大琼恩的碎链巨人;
  But on the Gatehouse Tower, the Stark banner flew alone. 但城门塔顶仅有史塔克家族的旗帜,
  That was where Robb had made his seat. 罗柏当是选该处作为指挥部。
  Catelyn made for it, with Sir Brynden and Sir Wendel behind her, 于是凯特琳朝那里走去,布林登爵士和文德尔爵士跟在后面,
  their horses stepping slowly down the log-and-plank road that had been laid across the green-and-black fields of mud. 他们的坐骑缓缓走过铺于黑绿泥泞上的木板桥。
  She found her son surrounded by his father's lords bannermen, in a drafty hall with a peat fire smoking in a black hearth. 她在一个通风的大厅找到儿子。此时,他的身边围绕着父亲的封臣,黑火炉里烧着燃煤,