冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第836期:第三十九章 凯特琳(6)(在线收听

   He was seated at a massive stone table, a pile of maps and papers in front of him, talking intently with Roose Bolton and the Greatjon. 他坐在一张巨大的石桌前,面前堆满地图和各式纸张,正聚精会神地与卢斯·波顿和大琼恩讨论战略。

  At first he did not notice her... but his wolf did. 他起初没注意到她……是他的狼先发现了。
  The great grey beast was lying near the fire, but when Catelyn entered he lifted his head, and his golden eyes met hers. 那头大灰狼原本趴在火炉边,凯特琳刚进门,它便抬起头,金色的眸子与她四目相交。
  The lords fell silent one by one, and Robb looked up at the sudden quiet and saw her. 诸侯们纷纷安静下来,罗柏察觉到突来的静默,也抬起头。
  "Mother?" he said, his voice thick with emotion. “母亲?”他的声音充满感情。
  Catelyn wanted to run to him, to kiss his sweet brow, to wrap him in her arms and hold him so tightly that he would never come to harm... 凯特琳好想飞奔过去,亲吻他甜美的双眉,将他紧紧搂住,再不让他受任何伤害……
  but here in front of his lords, she dared not. 然而在众多诸侯面前,她不敢这么做。
  He was playing a man's part now, and she would not take that away from him. 眼下他扮演的是男人的角色,她说什么也不能剥夺他的权力。
  So she held herself at the far end of the basalt slab they were using for a table. 于是她让自己站在人们权作长桌的玄武岩石板末端。
  The direwolf got to his feet and padded across the room to where she stood. 冰原狼起身,轻步穿过大厅,走到她身边。
  It seemed bigger than a wolf ought to be. 她没见过这么大的狼。
  "You've grown a beard," she said to Robb, while Grey Wind sniffed her hand. “你留了胡子。”她对罗柏说,灰风则嗅嗅她的手。
  He rubbed his stubbled jaw, suddenly awkward. 他摸摸长满胡茬的下巴,好像突然觉得不太习惯。
  "Yes." His chin hairs were redder than the ones on his head. “是啊。”他的胡须比头发更红。
  I like it. Catelyn stroked the wolfs head, gently. “我挺喜欢你这样子,”凯特琳温柔地摸摸狼头,
  "It makes you look like my brother Edmure." “你看起来很像我弟弟艾德慕。”