冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第837期:第三十九章 凯特琳(7)(在线收听

   Grey Wind nipped at her fingers, playful, and trotted back to his place by the fire. 灰风玩闹似地咬咬她的手指,然后快步跑回火边。

  Sir Helman Tallhart was the first to follow the direwolf across the room to pay his respects, kneeling before her and pressing his brow to her hand. 赫曼·陶哈爵士率先追随冰原狼穿过房间向她致意,他在她面前单膝跪下,将额头按上她的手。
  "Lady Catelyn," he said, "you are fair as ever, a welcome sight in troubled times." “凯特琳夫人,”他说,“您依旧如此美丽,在当今的动乱时刻,见到您真是令人宽心。”
  The Glovers followed, Galbart and Robett, and Greatjon Umber, and the rest, one by one. 葛洛佛家的盖伯特和罗贝特、大琼恩以及其他封臣也陆续上前致意。
  Theon Greyjoy was the last. 席恩·葛雷乔伊是最后一个。
  "I had not looked to see you here, my lady," he said as he knelt. “夫人,没想到会在这里见到您。”说着他单膝跪下。
  I had not thought to be here, Catelyn said, "until I came ashore at White Harbor, and Lord Wyman told me that Robb had called the banners. “我也没想到会来这里,”凯特琳道,“我在白港登岸后,威曼大人告诉我罗柏业已召集封臣,我才临时改变了主意。
  You know his son, Sir Wendel." 你们应该都认识他的儿子,文德尔爵士。”
  Wendel Manderly stepped forward and bowed as low as his girth would allow. 文德尔·曼德勒走上前来,极尽腰带所能容许的程度,向众人弯腰行礼。
  "And my uncle, Sir Brynden Tully, who has left my sister's service for mine." “这是我叔叔布林登爵士,他离开了我妹妹,前来协助我方。”
  The Blackfish, Robb said. "Thank you for joining us, ser. We need men of your courage. “黑鱼大人,”罗柏说,“感谢您加入我们,我们正需要像您这般勇武的人。
  And you, Sir Wendel, I am glad to have you here. 文德尔爵士,我也很高兴得到您的协助。
  Is Sir Rodrik with you as well, Mother? I've missed him." 母亲,罗德利克爵士可有同你一道归来?我很想念他。”
  Sir Rodrik is on his way north from White Harbor. “罗德利克爵士自白港往北去了,
  I have named him castellan and commanded him to hold Winterfell till our return. 我己任命他为代理城主,令他守护临冬城,直到我们返回。
  Maester Luwin is a wise counsellor, but unskilled in the arts of war. 鲁温学士虽然学识渊博,毕竟不擅战争之事。”