冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第838期:第三十九章 凯特琳(8)(在线收听

   Have no fear on that count, Lady Stark, the Greatjon told her in his bass rumble. "Winterfell is safe. “史塔克夫人,您毋需担心,”大琼恩声如洪钟地告诉她,“临冬城不会有事。

  We'll shove our swords up Tywin Lannister's bunghole soon enough, begging your pardons, and then it's on to the Red Keep to free Ned." 而咱们过不了多久就会拿剑捅进兰尼斯特的屁眼,唉,说话粗鲁还请见谅,然后呢,咱们就一路杀进红堡,把奈德给救出来。”
  My lady, a question, as it please you. “夫人,如您不见怪,我有个问题想请教。”
  Roose Bolton, Lord of the Dreadfort, had a small voice, yet when he spoke larger men quieted to listen. 恐怖堡领主卢斯·波顿的声音极其细小,然而当他开口讲话时,再高大的人都会安静倾听。
  His eyes were curiously pale, almost without color, and his look disturbing. 他的眼瞳颜色淡得出奇,几乎无从描绘,而他的眼神更是令人烦乱。
  "It is said that you hold Lord Tywin's dwarf son as captive. “听说您逮捕了泰温大人的侏儒儿子,
  Have you brought him to us? 不知您是否把他也带来了?
  I vow, we should make good use of such a hostage." 我对天发誓,我们会好好利用这个人质。”
  I did hold Tyrion Lannister, but no longer, Catelyn was forced to admit. “我的确逮捕了提利昂·兰尼斯特,只可惜他现下已不在我手上了。”凯特琳不得不承认。
  A chorus of consternation greeted the news. 此话一出,四周立即响起阵阵错愕之声。
  "I was no more pleased than you, my lords. “诸位大人,我也不希望此事发生,
  The gods saw fit to free him, with some help from my fool of a sister." 然而天上诸神有意放他自由,更加上我那妹妹愚行所致。”
  She ought not to be so open in her contempt, she knew, but her parting from the Eyrie had not been pleasant. 她自知不应如此明显地流露对妹妹的轻蔑,但鹰巢城一别实在很不愉快。
  She had offered to take Lord Robert with her, to foster him at Winterfell for a few years. 她原本提议带小劳勃公爵同行,让他在临冬城住上一段时日,
  The company of other boys would do him good, she had dared to suggest. 她更大胆表示,与其他几个男孩作伴,应该对他很有好处。
  Lysa's rage had been frightening to behold. 然而莱沙的怒意简直让人看了都害怕。
  "Sister or no," she had replied, "if you try to steal my son, you will leave by the Moon Door." “我管你是不是我姐姐,”她回答,“你敢偷我儿子,就给我从月门出去!”
  After that there was no more to be said. 在那之后,什么都不用说了。