冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第839期:第三十九章 凯特琳(9)(在线收听

   The lords were anxious to question her further, but Catelyn raised a hand. 北境诸侯急于进一步探询相关消息,但凯特琳举起一只手。

  "No doubt we will have time for all this later, but my journey has fatigued me. “我们稍后一定有时间谈,眼下我长途跋涉,颇感疲惫,
  I would speak with my son alone. 只想单独和我儿子讲几句。
  I know you will forgive me, my lords." 相信诸位大人必会谅解。”
  She gave them no choice; led by the ever-obliging Lord Hornwood, the bannermen bowed and took their leave. 她让他们别无选择,于是在向来遵从命令的霍伍德伯爵率领下,封臣们纷纷鞠躬离开。
  "And you, Theon," she added when Greyjoy lingered. “席恩,你也是。”看到葛雷乔伊留了下来,她又补上这句。
  He smiled and left them. 他微笑着走开。
  There was ale and cheese on the table. 桌上有麦酒和乳酪,
  Catelyn tilled a horn, sat, sipped, and studied her son. 凯特琳倒了一角杯,坐下来,小啜一口之后,细细端详儿子。
  He seemed taller than when she'd left, and the wisps of beard did make him look older. 他似乎比她离开时长得高了些,那点胡子也确让他看起来年纪大了不少。
  "Edmure was sixteen when he grew his first whiskers." “艾德慕是从十六岁开始留胡子的。”
  I will be sixteen soon enough, Robb said. “我很快就满十六岁了。”罗柏说。
  And you are fifteen now. Fifteen, and leading a host to battle. “但你现在是十五岁,才十五岁,就带领大军投入战场。
  Can you understand why I might fear, Robb? 罗柏,你能理解我的担忧吗?”
  His look grew stubborn. 他的眼神倔强起来。
  "There was no one else." “除了我没别人了。”
  No one? she said. "Pray, who were those men I saw here a moment ago? “没别人?”她说,“你倒是说说,我几分钟前见到的那些人是谁?
  Roose Bolton, Rickard Karstark, Galbart and Robett Glover, the Greatjon, Helman Tallhart... you might have given the command to any of them. 卢斯·波顿、瑞卡德·卡史塔克、盖伯特·葛洛佛与罗贝特·葛洛佛,还有大琼恩、赫曼·陶哈……你大可把指挥权交给他们中的任何一人。
  Gods be good, you might even have sent Theon, though he would not be my choice." 诸神有眼,你就算派席恩都成,虽说我不会选他。”
  They are not Starks, he said. “他们不是史塔克。”他说。
  They are men, Robb, seasoned in battle. “他们是成年人,罗柏,他们经验丰富。
  You were fighting with wooden swords less than a year past. 而不到一年前,你还拿着木剑在练习呢。”