冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第841期:第三十九章 凯特琳(11)(在线收听

   Lord Manderly told me when I landed at White Harbor. “我在白港上岸时,曼德勒大人跟我说了。

  Have you had any word of your sisters? 你有你妹妹们的消息吗?”
  There was a letter, Robb said, scratching his direwolf under the jaw. “我收到一封信,”罗柏边说边搔冰原狼的下巴。
  "One for you as well, but it came to Winterfell with mine." “还有一封是给你的,但和我那封一起寄到了临冬城。”
  He went to the table, rummaged among some maps and papers, and returned with a crumpled parchment. 他走到桌边,在地图和纸张间翻找了一会儿,拿出一张摺皱的羊皮纸走回来。
  "This is the one she wrote me, I never thought to bring yours." “这是她写给我的,我没想到把你的那封也带来。”
  Something in Robb's tone troubled her. 罗柏的语气令她有些不安。
  She smoothed out the paper and read. 她摊平纸张读了起来,
  Concern gave way to disbelief, then to anger, and lastly to fear. 然而关切随即转为怀疑,接着变成愤怒,最后成了忧惧。
  "This is Cersei's letter, not your sister's," she said when she was done. “这是瑟曦写的信,不是你妹妹写的。”看完之后她说,
  "The real message is in what Sansa does not say. “这封信真正的意思,正是珊莎没写出来的部分。
  All this about how kindly and gently the Lannisters are treating her... I know the sound of a threat, even whispered. 什么兰尼斯特家对她多么照顾优待……其实是威胁的口气。
  They have Sansa hostage, and they mean to keep her." 他们扣住了珊莎,当成人质和筹码。”
  There's no mention of Arya, Robb pointed out, miserable. “上面也没提到艾莉亚。”罗柏难过地指出。
  No. Catelyn did not want to think what that might mean, not now, not here. “的确没有。”凯特琳不愿去想这代表着什么意思,尤其在此时此地。
  I had hoped... if you still held the Imp, a trade of hostages... “我本来希望……如果小恶魔还在你手上,我们就可以交换人质……”
  He took Sansa's letter and crumpled it in his fist, and she could tell from the way he did it that it was not the first time.  他拿过珊莎的信,把它揉得稀烂,她看得出这不是他第一次揉了。