冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第842期:第三十九章 凯特琳(12)(在线收听

   Is there word from the Eyrie? “鹰巢城那边有消息吗?

  I wrote to Aunt Lysa, asking help. 我已经写信给莱沙阿姨,请她援助。
  Has she called Lord Arryn's banners, do you know? 她是否召集了艾林大人的封臣?
  Will the knights of the Vale come join us? 峡谷骑士会加入我们吗?”
  Only one, she said, "the best of them, my uncle... but Brynden Blackfish was a Tully first. “只有一个会来,”她说,“最优秀的一个,那就是我叔叔……然而黑鱼布林登毕竟是徒利家的人。
  My sister is not about to stir beyond her Bloody Gate." 我妹妹不打算派兵到血门之外。”
  Robb took it hard. 罗柏深受打击。
  "Mother, what are we going to do? “母亲,那我们该怎么办?
  I brought this whole army together, eighteen thousand men, but I don't... I'm not certain..." 我召集了这支一万八千人的大军,可我不……我不确定……”
  He looked to her, his eyes shining, the proud young lord melted away in an instant, 他看着她,眼里闪着泪光,方才那个年轻气盛的领主转瞬间消失得无影无踪,
  and quick as that he was a child again, a fifteen-year-old boy looking to his mother for answers. 他又变回了十五岁的大男孩,希望母亲能提供解答。
  It would not do. 这样是不行的。
  What are you so afraid of, Robb? she asked gently. “罗柏,你在怕什么?”她温柔地问。
  I... He turned his head away, to hide the first tear. “我……”他转过头,借以掩饰流下的泪水。
  "If we march... even if we win... the Lannisters hold Sansa, and Father. “如果我们进兵……就算我们赢了……珊莎还在兰尼斯特手上,父亲也是,
  They'll kill them, won't they?" 他们会被杀的,对不对?”
  They want us to think so. “他们正希望我们这么想。”
  You mean they're lying? “你的意思是他们说谎?”
  I do not know, Robb. What I do know is that you have no choice. “我不知道,罗柏,我只知道你别无选择。
  If you go to King's Landing and swear fealty, you will never be allowed to leave. 假如你到君临宣誓效忠,便永远也不可能脱身。
  If you turn your tail and retreat to Winterfell, your lords will lose all respect for you.  若是你夹着尾巴逃回临冬城,那封臣们对你原有的尊敬更将荡然无存,