冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第843期:第三十九章 凯特琳(13)(在线收听

   Some may even go over to the Lannisters. 有些人甚至会倒戈投靠兰尼斯特。

  Then the queen, with that much less to fear, can do as she likes with her prisoners. 届时王后便无后顾之忧,可以随意处置手上人犯。
  Our best hope, our only true hope, is that you can defeat the foe in the field. 我们最大的希望,或者说惟一的希望,便是你能在战场上击败对手。
  If you should chance to take Lord Tywin or the Kingslayer captive, why then a trade might very well be possible, but that is not the heart of it. 假如你能活捉泰温大人或弑君者,那么交换人质便会非常可行。其实交换人质亦非重点所在,
  So long as you have power enough that they must fear you, Ned and your sister should be safe. 最重要的是,只要你的实力令他们不敢小觑,奈德和你妹妹就会平安无事。
  Cersei is wise enough to know that she may need them to make her peace, should the fighting go against her." 瑟曦不笨,知道若是战事对她不利,她可能会需要他们来换取和平。”
  What if the fighting doesn't go against her? Robb asked. "What if it goes against us?" “若是战争并非对她不利,”罗柏问,“而是对我们不利呢?”
  Catelyn took his hand. 凯特琳握住他的手。
  "Robb, I will not soften the truth for you. “罗柏,我不打算隐瞒事实,
  If you lose, there is no hope for any of us. 假如你战败,那我们就一点希望都没有了。
  They say there is naught but stone at the heart of Casterly Rock. 据说凯岩城的人都是铁石心肠,
  Remember the fate of Rhaegar's children." 你要牢牢记住雷加的孩子是什么下场。”
  She saw the fear in his young eyes then, but there was a strength as well. 她在他年轻的眼睛里见到了恐惧,却也看到了力量。
  "Then I will not lose," he vowed. “那么,我一定不能输。”
  Tell me what you know of the fighting in the riverlands, she said. “把你所知的河间战事告诉我。”她说。
  She had to learn if he was truly ready. 她要知道他是否已准备就绪。
  Less than a fortnight past, they fought a battle in the hills below the Golden Tooth, Robb said. “不到两周前,在金牙城下的丘陵地有一场激战。”罗柏道,
  "Uncle Edmure had sent Lord Vance and Lord Piper to hold the pass, but the Kingslayer descended on them and put them to flight.  “艾德慕舅舅命凡斯大人和派柏大人防守隘口,但弑君者率兵下山猛攻,把他们打得落花流水,