冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第844期:第三十九章 凯特琳(14)(在线收听

   Lord Vance was slain. 凡斯大人以身殉职。

  The last word we had was that Lord Piper was falling back to join your brother and his other bannermen at Riverrun, with Jaime Lannister on his heels. 根据我们最新得到的消息,派柏大人正向奔流城撤军,以便和舅舅以及他的其他封臣会合,詹姆·兰尼斯特穷追不舍。
  That's not the worst of it, though. 但这还不是最糟的情报,
  All the time they were battling in the pass, Lord Tywin was bringing a second Lannister army around from the south. 他们在山口交战的同时,泰温大人正带着另一支军队从南方迂回进逼,
  It's said to be even larger than Jaime's host. 据说规模比詹姆的部队大得多。”
  "Father must have known that, because he sent out some men to oppose them, under the king's own banner. “父亲一定也知道这件事,所以他派人打着国王的旗帜前去阻止。
  He gave the command to some southron lordling, Lord Erik or Derik or something like that, 领头的好像是个南方少爷,叫艾里还是德里大人来着,
  but Sir Raymun Darry rode with him, and the letter said there were other knights as well, and a force of Father's own guardsmen. 雷蒙·戴瑞爵士也跟着去了,信上说还有其他的骑士,以及一队父亲自己的卫士。
  Only it was a trap. Lord Derik had no sooner crossed the Red Fork than the Lannisters fell upon him, 然而这却是个陷阱,德里爵士刚渡过红叉河,立刻遭到兰尼斯特军猛烈攻击,
  the king's banner be damned, and Gregor Clegane took them in the rear as they tried to pull back across the Mummer's Ford. 国王的旗帜毫无效力,被人随意践踏。后来他们想撤过戏子滩,格雷果·克里冈又从后方突袭。
  This Lord Derik and a few others may have escaped, no one is certain, but Sir Raymun was killed, and most of our men from Winterfell. 我们不确定德里大人和其他少数人是否逃脱,但雷蒙爵士和我们临冬城的多数卫士都战死了。
  Lord Tywin has closed off the kingsroad, it's said, and now he's marching north toward Harrenhal, burning as he goes." 传说泰温大人的军队已接近国王大道,正往北朝赫伦堡而来,沿途烧杀抢劫。”
  Grim and grimmer, thought Catelyn. 消息一个比一个更悲惨,凯特琳心想。
  It was worse than she'd imagined. 情况比她想像中还糟。
  "You mean to meet him here?" she asked. “你打算在这里等他么?”