冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第845期:第三十九章 凯特琳(15)(在线收听

   "If he comes so far, but no one thinks he will," Robb said. “除非他真打算北上来此,但我们都认为他不会。”罗柏道,

  "I've sent word to Howland Reed, Father's old friend at Greywater Watch. “我已经派人送信给父亲在灰水望的老朋友霍兰·黎德,
  If the Lannisters come up the Neck, the crannogmen will bleed them every step of the way, 假如兰尼斯特军企图穿越沼泽,泽地人会让他们举步维艰、损失惨重。
  but Galbart Glover says Lord Tywin is too smart for that, and Roose Bolton agrees. 盖柏特·葛洛佛认为以泰温大人的精明,他不会这么做,卢斯·波顿也表示同意。
  He'll stay close to the Trident, they believe, taking the castles of the river lords one by one, until Riverrun stands alone. 他们相信他会在三河流域一带活动,将河间诸侯的城堡一个一个逐步攻陷,直到最后奔流城孤立无援。
  We need to march south to meet him." 所以我们必须南下去会他。”
  The very idea of it chilled Catelyn to the bone. 光这念头便令凯特琳毛骨悚然。
  What chance would a fifteen-year-old boy have against seasoned battle commanders like Jaime and Tywin Lannister? "Is that wise? 单凭他一个十五岁的男孩,怎么可能与詹姆或泰温·兰尼斯特那样经验丰富的沙场老手抗衡?“这样好吗?
  You are strongly placed here. 此地易守难攻,
  It's said that the old Kings in the North could stand at Moat Cailin and throw back hosts ten times the size of their own." 传说古代的北境之王只需守住卡林湾,便可击退十倍于己的敌军。”
  "Yes, but our food and supplies are running low, and this is not land we can live off easily. “没错,话是这样说,但我们的粮食补给日渐短缺,待在这里自给自足已不容易。
  We've been waiting for Lord Manderly, but now that his sons have joined us, we need to march." 我们原本是在等曼德勒大人,眼下他的儿子既然到了,我们便得动身。”
  She was hearing the lords bannermen speaking with her son's voice, she realized. 她突然明白,她听到的是诸侯们透过她儿子的声音在说话。
  Over the years, she had hosted many of them at Winterfell, and been welcomed with Ned to their own hearths and tables. 这些年来,她在临冬城多次宴请北方诸侯,也曾与奈德到他们家中作客,
  She knew what sorts of men they were, each one. She wondered if Robb did. 她很明白他们是什么样的人,每一家她都摸透了底细,却纳闷罗柏知不知道。
  And yet there was sense in what they said.  然而他们顾虑的却也有理。