冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第846期:第三十九章 凯特琳(16)(在线收听

   This host her son had assembled was not a standing army such as the Free Cities were accustomed to maintain, nor a force of guardsmen paid in coin. 她儿子所集结的这支军队既非自由贸易城邦的常备军,亦非领薪水吃饭的守卫队,

  Most of them were smallfolk: crofters, fieldhands, fishermen, sheepherders, the sons of innkeeps and traders and tanners, 他们多数是平民百姓:佃农、庄稼汉、渔夫、牧羊人、旅店老板的儿子、生意人和皮革匠,
  leavened with a smattering of sellswords and freeriders hungry for plunder. 外加少数渴望掠夺的雇佣骑士、自由骑手和流浪武士。
  When their lords called, they came... but not forever. 当他们的领主发出召集令,他们便前来效命……然而并非永远。
  "Marching is all very well," she said to her son, "but where, and to what purpose? “进军当然很好,”她对儿子说,“但要前往何处,有何目的?
  What do you mean to do?" 你有什么打算?”
  Robb hesitated. "The Greatjon thinks we should take the battle to Lord Tywin and surprise him," he said, 罗柏迟疑片刻,“大琼恩认为我们应该出其不意突袭泰温大人,”他说,
  "but the Glovers and the Karstarks feel we'd be wiser to go around his army and join up with Uncle Sir Edmure against the Kingslayer." “然而葛洛佛家和卡史塔克家的人都觉得避其锋芒,赶紧与艾德慕舅舅合力对付弑君者才是明智之举。”
  He ran his fingers through his shaggy mane of auburn hair, looking unhappy. 他伸手拨拨蓬乱的枣红头发,看来有些闷闷不乐。
  "Though by the time we reach Riverrun... I'm not certain... " “可等我们抵达奔流城……我不确定……”
  "Be certain," Catelyn told her son, "or go home and take up that wooden sword again. “你非确定不可,”凯特琳对儿子说,“不然就回家继续拿木剑练习罢。
  You cannot afford to seem indecisive in front of men like Roose Bolton and Rickard Karstark. 在卢斯·波顿或瑞卡德·卡史塔克这种人面前,你绝不能犹豫不决。
  Make no mistake, Robb, these are your bannermen, not your friends. 罗柏,你别搞错了,他们是你的封臣,不是你的朋友。
  You named yourself battle commander. Command." 你既自任为总指挥,就得发号施令。”