冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第847期:第三十九章 凯特琳(17)(在线收听

   Her son looked at her, startled, as if he could not credit what he was hearing. "As you say, Mother." 儿子看着她,显得有些吃惊,仿佛不能完全相信刚才听到的话。“母亲,您说的对。”

  "I'll ask you again. What do you mean to do?" “我再问你一次:你有什么打算?”
  Robb drew a map across the table, a ragged piece of old leather covered with lines of faded paint. 罗柏抽出一张绘满褪色线条的老旧皮质地图,摊平在桌,
  One end curled up from being rolled; he weighed it down with his dagger. 其中一角因为长期卷动而翘了起来,他用匕首固定住。
  "Both plans have virtues, but... look, if we try to swing around Lord Tywin's host, “两个计划备有优点,可是……你看,假如我们试图绕开泰温大人主力,
  we take the risk of being caught between him and the Kingslayer, 就得冒被他和弑君者两面夹击的风险,
  and if we attack him... by all reports, he has more men than I do, and a lot more armored horse. 如果我们与他正面交战……根据各种情报显示,他不但总兵力比我多,骑兵的数量更是远远超过我们。
  The Greatjon says that won't matter if we catch him with his breeches down, 虽然大琼恩说只要趁对方脱下裤子的时候攻其不备,人再多都不怕,
  but it seems to me that a man who has fought as many battles as Tywin Lannister won't be so easily surprised." 可在我看来,像泰温·兰尼斯特这样身经百战的人,恐怕不容易被逮到啊。”
  "Good," she said. She could hear echoes of Ned in his voice, as he sat there, puzzling over the map. "Tell me more." “很好。”她说。看他坐在那里,为地图伤脑筋,从他的话中,她可以听见奈德的声音。“继续说。”
  "I'd leave a small force here to hold Moat Cailin, archers mostly, and march the rest down the causeway," he said, “我打算分配少量兵力留下来防守卡林湾,以弓箭手为核心,然后全军沿堤道南下。”他说,
  "but once we're below the Neck, I'd split our host in two. “渡过颈泽之后,我将兵分两路,
  The foot can continue down the kingsroad, while our horsemen cross the Green Fork at the Twins."  步兵继续走国王大道,骑兵则从孪河城渡过绿叉河。”