冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第848期:第三十九章 凯特琳(18)(在线收听

   He pointed. "When Lord Tywin gets word that we've come south, 他指给她看。“泰温大人一旦得知我军南下的消息,

  he'll march north to engage our main host, leaving our riders free to hurry down the west bank to Riverrun." 当会率军北进与我们主力交战,届时我们的骑兵便可无后顾之忧地从河流西岸赶往奔流城。”
  Robb sat back, not quite daring to smile, but pleased with himself and hungry for her praise. 说完罗柏坐下来,不太敢露出微笑,但看得出他对自己的表现颇感满意,渴望听到她的称许。
  Catelyn frowned down at the map. 凯特琳皱紧眉,低头看着地图。
  "You'd put a river between the two parts of your army." “你让一条河挡在自己的军队之间。”
  And between Jaime and Lord Tywin, he said eagerly. The smile came at last. “却也挡在詹姆和泰温大人之间!”他急切地说,终于绽开微笑。
  "There's no crossing on the Green Fork above the ruby ford, where Robert won his crown. “绿叉河在红宝石滩以北就没有渡口,劳勃就是在那里赢得了王冠。
  Not until the Twins, all the way up here, and Lord Frey controls that bridge. 惟一的渡口是在孪河城,距离很远,更何况桥还掌控在佛雷大人手中。
  He's your father's bannerman, isn't that so?" 他是外公的封臣,对不对?”
  The Late Lord Frey, Catelyn thought. 迟到的佛雷侯爵,凯特琳心想。
  "He is," she admitted, "but my father has never trusted him. Nor should you." “他的确是,”她承认,“但你外公从来不信任他,你也不应该轻信他。”
  I won't, Robb promised. "What do you think?" “我不会的。”罗柏向她保证。“你觉得这计划如何?”
  She was impressed despite herself. 虽然担心,她依旧不得不同意这是个出色的计划。
  He looks like a Tully, she thought, yet he's still his father's son, and Ned taught him well. 他长得虽像徒利,她心想,心底却是他父亲的儿子,奈德把他教导得很好。
  "Which force would you command?" “你要指挥哪一队?”
  The horse, he answered at once. “骑兵队。”他立刻答道。
  Again like his father; Ned would always take the more dangerous task himself. 这也像他父亲:危险的任务,奈德永远自己扛。
  And the other? The Greatjon is always saying that we should smash Lord Tywin. “另一队呢?”“大琼恩老说我们应该迎头痛宰泰温大人,
  I thought I'd give him the honor. 我想给他这个荣誉,让他实现愿望。”