冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第849期:第三十九章 凯特琳(19)(在线收听

   It was his first misstep, but how to make him see it without wounding his fledgling confidence? 这是他犯的第一个错误,但要如何让他明白,而不伤害到他仅见雏形的自尊呢?

  "Your father once told me that the Greatjon was as fearless as any man he had ever known." “你父亲曾经对我说,大琼恩是他平生所见最勇猛无畏的人。”
  Robb grinned. "Grey Wind ate two of his fingers, and he laughed about it. So you agree, then?" 罗柏嘻嘻笑道:“灰风咬掉他两根手指头,他却哈哈大笑。这么说来你同意啰?”
  Your father is not fearless, Catelyn pointed out. "He is brave, but that is very different." “你父亲并非无畏,”凯特琳指出:“而是勇敢,这是完全不一样的。”
  Her son considered that for a moment. 儿子仔细考虑了半晌。
  "The eastern host will be all that stands between Lord Tywin and Winterfell," he said thoughtfully. “东路军将是惟一能阻挡泰温大人前往临冬城的屏障。”他若有所思地说,
  "Well, them and whatever few bowmen I leave here at the Moat. “嗯,就只有他们,以及我留在卡林湾的少量弓箭手。
  So I don't want someone fearless, do I?" 所以我不应该让无畏的人来率领,对不对?”
  No. You want cold cunning, I should think, not courage. “没错。我认为你要的应该是冷静的头脑,而非匹夫之勇。”
  Roose Bolton, Robb said at once. "That man scares me." “那就是卢斯·波顿了。”罗柏马上说,“我很怕那个人。”
  Then let us pray he will scare Tywin Lannister as well. “就让我们祈祷泰温·兰尼斯特也怕他吧。”
  Robb nodded and rolled up the map. 罗柏点点头,卷起地图。
  "I'll give the commands, and assemble an escort to take you home to Winterfell." “就这样办,我会派一队人马护送你回临冬城。”
  Catelyn had fought to keep herself strong, for Ned's sake and for this stubborn brave son of theirs. 这些日子以来,凯特琳极力使自己坚强。为了奈德,也为了他俩这个勇敢而倔强的儿子,
  She had put despair and fear aside, as if they were garments she did not choose to wear... but now she saw that she had donned them after all. 她抛开了绝望和恐惧,仿佛那是她所不愿穿的衣服……然而现在她发现自己终究还是穿着。