冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第850期:第三十九章 凯特琳(20)(在线收听

   I am not going to Winterfell, she heard herself say, surprised at the sudden rush of tears that blurred her vision. “我不回临冬城,”她听见自己这么说,同时惊讶地发现,骤然涌出的泪水,已然模糊了她的视线。

  "My father may be dying behind the walls of Riverrun. “你外公正奄奄一息地躺在奔流城里,
  My brother is surrounded by foes. I must go to them." 你舅舅也被敌人团团包围。”我得去看他们
  Tyrion. Chella daughter of Cheyk of the Black Ears had gone ahead to scout,  提利昂。黑耳部的齐克之女齐拉当先去侦察,
  and it was she who brought back word of the army at the crossroads. 带回岔路口有支军队的消息。
  "By their fires I call them twenty thousand strong," she said. “从他们的营火计算,应该有两万个,”她说,
  "Their banners are red, with a golden lion." “红旗子,上面一只金狮子。”
  Your father? Bronn asked. “是你父亲?”波隆问。
  Or my brother Jaime, Tyrion said. "We shall know soon enough." “要不就是我老哥詹姆。”提利昂说,“我们很快就会知道了。”
  He surveyed his ragged band of brigands: 他检视着自己这支衣着破烂的土匪队伍:
  near three hundred Stone Crows, Moon Brothers, Black Ears, and Burned Men, and those just the seed of the army he hoped to grow. 三百名来自石鸦部、月人部、黑耳部和灼人部的原住民,这只是他着手组建的军队的种子。
  Gunthor son of Gurn was raising the other clans even now. 而冈恩之子冈梭尔此刻正在召集其他部落。
  He wondered what his lord father would make of them in their skins and bits of stolen steel. 他不知父亲看了这些身穿兽皮、手持偷来的破铜烂铁的人会怎么说,
  If truth be told, he did not know what to make of them himself. 事实上,他自己看了都不知道该说什么才好。
  Was he their commander or their captive? 他究竟是他们的首领还是俘虏?
  Most of the time, it seemed to be a little of both. 恐怕是两者皆有罢。
  "It might be best if I rode down alone," he suggested. “我最好自个儿下去。”他提议。