冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第851期:第四十章 提利昂(1)(在线收听

   Best for Tyrion son of Tywin, said Ulf, who spoke for the Moon Brothers. “对泰温之子提利昂来说最好。”月人部的首领乌尔夫说。

  Shagga glowered, a fearsome sight to see. 夏嘎睁大眼睛瞪着他,露出骇人的神情。
  "Shagga son of Dolf likes this not.  “多夫之子夏嘎不喜欢。
  Shagga will go with the boyman, and if the boyman lies, Shagga will chop off his manhood..." 夏嘎要和小男人一起去,如果小男人说谎,夏嘎就会剁掉他的命根子——”
  ...and feed it to the goats, yes, Tyrion said wearily. "Shagga, I give you my word as a Lannister, I will return." “——拿去喂山羊,我知道。”提利昂有气无力地说,“夏嘎,我以兰尼斯特家之名起誓,我会回来的。”
  Why should we trust your word? “我们为什么要相信你的话?”
  Chella was a small hard woman, flat as a boy, and no fool. 齐拉是个矮小强悍的女人,胸平坦得和男孩子一样,却一点也不笨。
  "Lowland lords have lied to the clans before." “平地人的酋长以前欺骗过山上部落。”
  You wound me, Chella, Tyrion said. "Here I thought we had become such friends. But as you will. “齐拉,你这样说真是太伤我的心了,”提利昂道,“我还以为我们已经成了好朋友呢。不过算啦,
  You shall ride with me, and Shagga and Conn for the Stone Crows, Ulf for the Moon Brothers, and Timett son of Timett for the Burned Men." 你就跟我一道去吧,夏嘎、康恩代表石鸦部,乌尔夫代表月人部,提魅之子提魅代表灼人部,你们几个也一起来。”
  The clansmen exchanged wary looks as he named them. 被他点名的原住民满怀戒心地彼此看看。
  "The rest shall wait here until I send for you. “其余的留在这里等我通知。
  Try not to kill and maim each other while I'm gone." 我不在的时候,拜托千万不要自相残杀。”
  He put his heels to his horse and trotted off, giving them no choice but to follow or be left behind. 他两腿一夹马肚,向前快跑,逼他们要么立刻跟上,要么被抛在后面。
  Either was fine with him, so long as they did not sit down to talk for a day and a night. 其实他们有没有跟上对他来说都没差,怕只怕他们坐下来“讨论”个三天三夜。