冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第852期:第四十章 提利昂(2)(在线收听

   That was the trouble with the clans; 这是原住民最麻烦的地方,

  they had an absurd notion that every man's voice should be heard in council, so they argued about everything, endlessly. 他们有种古怪的观念,认为开会的时候每个人都有权表达意见,所以不论事情大小,他们一律争吵不休。
  Even their women were allowed to speak. 甚至连女人也有开口的权利,
  Small wonder that it had been hundreds of years since they last threatened the Vale with anything beyond an occasional raid. 难怪几百年来,除了偶尔实施小规模的突袭,他们无法真正威胁到艾林谷。
  Tyrion meant to change that. 提利昂有意改变这个局面。
  Brorm rode with him. Behind them, after a quick bit of grumbling, the five clansmen followed on their undersize garrons, 波隆和他并肩而行,身后——咕哝了几声以后——五个原住民骑着营养不良的矮种马跟了上来。
  scrawny things that looked like ponies and scrambled up rock walls like goats. 每匹马都骨瘦如柴,看起来小得可怜,走在颠簸山路上活像是山羊。
  The Stone Crows rode together, and Chella and Ulf stayed close as well, as the Moon Brothers and Black Ears had strong bonds between them. 两个石鸦部的人走在一块,齐拉跟乌尔夫靠得很近,因为月人部和黑耳部之间的关系向来密切。
  Timett son of Timett rode alone. 提魅之子提魅则独自前行。
  Every clan in the Mountains of the Moon feared the Burned Men, 明月山脉里的每一个部落都害怕灼人部,
  who mortified their flesh with fire to prove their courage and (the others said) roasted babies at their feasts. 因为他们用火自虐来证明勇气,甚至在宴会上烧烤婴儿来吃(这是其他几部说的)。
  And even the other Burned Men feared Timett, who had put out his own left eye with a white-hot knife when he reached the age of manhood. 而提魅更令所有灼人部民害怕,因为他成年的时候用一把烧得白热的尖刀剜出了自己的左眼。
  Tyrion gathered that it was more customary for a boy to burn off a nipple, a finger, or (if he was truly brave, or truly mad) an ear. 提利昂大致听出,灼人部中一般男孩的成年礼多半是烧掉自己的一边乳头、一根手指或是(只有非常勇敢或非常疯狂的人才做得出)一只耳朵。