冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第853期:第四十章 提利昂(3)(在线收听

   Timett's fellow Burned Men were so awed by his choice of an eye that they promptly named him a red hand, which seemed to be some sort of a war chief. 提魅的灼人部同胞由于对他的挖眼行径大为折服,立刻便让他成为“红手”,约略等于战争领袖的意思。

  I wonder what their king burned off, Tyrion said to Bronn when he heard the tale. “我真想知道他们的国王烧掉的是什么。”提利昂听这故事的时候,对波隆这么说。
  Grinning, the sellsword had tugged at his crotch... but even Bronn kept a respectful tongue around Timett. 佣兵嘿嘿一笑,伸手指指他的胯下……不过就连波隆,在提魅身边讲话也特别小心。
  If a man was mad enough to put out his own eye, he was unlikely to be gentle to his enemies. 既然这人疯到连自己眼睛都敢挖出来,想必不会对敌人温柔。
  Distant watchers peered down from towers of unmortared stone as the party descended through the foothills, 队伍骑马走下山麓小丘,远处,未砌水泥的石制嘹望塔上,守卫正向下扫视。
  and once Tyrion saw a raven take wing. 一只渡鸦振翅高飞。
  Where the high road twisted between two rocky outcrops, they came to the first strong point. 山路夹在裸岩中间转弯,他们来到了第一个有重兵防守的关卡。
  A low earthen wall four feet high closed off the road, and a dozen crossbowmen manned the heights. 道路为一堵四尺陶土矮墙所阻挡,高处站有十来个十字弓兵负责把守。
  Tyrion halted his followers out of range and rode to the wall alone. 提利昂要同伴们停在射程之外,策马独自走近。
  "Who commands here?" he shouted up. “这儿由谁负责?”他大声喊道。
  The captain was quick to appear, and even quicker to give them an escort when he recognized his lord's son. 守卫队长很快出现,一认出他是领主的儿子,立刻派人马护送他们下山。
  They trotted past blackened fields and burned holdfasts, down to the riverlands and the Green Fork of the Trident. 他们快马跑过焦黑的田野和焚尽的村舍,进入河间地区,接近三叉戟河的支流绿叉河。
  Tyrion saw no bodies, but the air was full of ravens and carrion crows; there had been fighting here, and recently. 提利昂虽没看见尸体,但空气中弥漫着专食腐尸的乌鸦发出的味道;显然这里最近曾发生战斗。