冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第854期:第四十章 提利昂(4)(在线收听

   Half a league from the crossroads, a barricade of sharpened stakes had been erected, manned by pikemen and archers. 离十字路口半里格的地方,架起了一道削尖木桩排列的防御工事,由长矛兵和弓箭手负责防守。

  Behind the line, the camp spread out to the far distance. 防线之后,营地绵延直至远方,
  Thin fingers of smoke rose from hundreds of cookfires, mailed men sat under trees and honed their blades, 炊烟如纤细的手指,自几百座营火中升起,全副武装的人坐在树下磨利武器,
  and familiar banners fluttered from staffs thrust into the muddy ground. 熟悉的旗帜飘扬风中,旗竿深深插进泥泞的地面。
  A party of mounted horsemen rode forward to challenge them as they approached the stakes. 他们走近木栅时,一群骑兵上前盘问。
  The knight who led them wore silver armor inlaid with amethysts and a striped purple-and-silver cloak. 领头的骑士身穿镶紫水晶的银铠甲,肩披紫银条纹披风,
  His shield bore a unicorn sigil, and a spiral horn two feet long jutted up from the brow of his horsehead helm. 盾牌上绘有独角兽纹饰,马形头盔前端有一根螺旋独角。
  Tyrion reined up to greet him. "Sir Flement." 提利昂勒马问候:“佛列蒙爵士。”
  Sir Flement Brax lifted his visor. 佛列蒙·布拉克斯爵士揭起面罩。
  "Tyrion," he said in astonishment. "My lord, we all feared you dead, or... " “提利昂,”他惊讶地说,“大人,我们都以为您死了,不然也……”
  He looked at the clansmen uncertainly. "These... companions of yours... " 他有些犹豫地看着那群原住民。“您的这些……同伴……”
  Bosom friends and loyal retainers, Tyrion said. "Where will I find my lord father?" “他们是我亲密的朋友和忠诚的部属,”提利昂道,“我父亲在哪儿?”
  He has taken the inn at the crossroads for his quarters. “他暂时将岔路口的旅店当成指挥总部。”
  Tyrion laughed. The inn at the crossroads! 提利昂不禁苦笑,路口那家旅店!
  Perhaps the gods were just after all. 或许天上诸神当真有其公理在。
  "I will see him at once." “我这就去见他。”
  As you say, my lord. Sir Flement wheeled his horse about and shouted commands.  “遵命,大人。”佛列蒙爵士调转马头,一声令下,