冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第855期:第四十章 提利昂(5)(在线收听

   Three rows of stakes were pulled from the ground to make a hole in the line. Tyrion led his party through. 便有人将三排木桩从地上拔起,空出一条路来,让提利昂带着他的人马穿过。

  Lord Tywin's camp spread over leagues. 泰温公爵的军营广达数里,
  Chella's estimate of twenty thousand men could not be far wrong. 齐拉估计的两万人与事实相去不远。
  The common men camped out in the open, but the knights had thrown up tents, 普通士兵露天扎营,骑士则搭建帐篷,
  and some of the high lords had erected pavilions as large as houses. 而有些领主的营帐大得像房屋一样。
  Tyrion spied the red ox of the Presters, Lord Crakehall's brindled boar, the burning tree of Marbrand, the badger of Lydden. 提利昂瞥见普莱斯特家族的红牛纹饰、克雷赫伯爵的斑纹野猪、马尔布兰家族的燃烧之树,以及莱顿家族的獾。
  Knights called out to him as he cantered past, and men-at-arms gaped at the clansmen in open astonishment. 他快步跑过,骑士们纷纷向他打招呼,而民兵见了那群原住民,吃惊得张大了嘴。
  Shagga was gaping back; beyond a certainty, he had never seen so many men, horses, and weapons in all his days. 夏嘎的嘴张得也不小;显然他这辈子都没见过这么多人、马和武器。
  The rest of the mountain brigands did a better job of guarding their faces, 其他几名高山盗匪的惊讶之情掩饰得稍微好一点,
  but Tyrion had no doubts that they were full as much in awe. 但提利昂认为他们的惊讶程度绝不在夏嘎之下。
  Better and better. The more impressed they were with the power of the Lannisters, the easier they would be to command. 情况对他越来越有利了,他们越是对兰尼斯特家的势力感到折服,就越容易听他摆布。
  The inn and its stables were much as he remembered, 旅店和马厩与记忆中相去不远,
  though little more than tumbled stones and blackened foundations remained where the rest of the village had stood. 只是村里的其他屋舍如今只剩乱石残垣和焦黑地基。
  A gibbet had been erected in the yard, and the body that swung there was covered with ravens. 旅店院子里搭起了一座绞刑台,挂在上面的尸体前后摇摆,全身停满了乌鸦。
  At Tyrion's approach they took to the air, squawking and flapping their black wings. 提利昂接近时,乌鸦纷纷“嘎嘎”怪叫,振翅腾空。