冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第856期:第四十章 提利昂(6)(在线收听

   He dismounted and glanced up at what remained of the corpse. 他跳下马,抬头看着尸体的残余部分。

  The birds had eaten her lips and eyes and most of her cheeks, baring her stained red teeth in a hideous smile. 她的嘴唇、眼睛和大半脸颊都给啃了个干净,腥红的牙齿暴露在外,露出一抹狰狞的笑容。
  "A room, a meal, and a flagon of wine, that was all I asked," he reminded her with a sigh of reproach. “我不过跟你要一个房间、一顿晚饭和一瓶酒罢了。”他语带指责地叹了口气。
  Boys emerged hesitantly from the stables to see to their horses. 几个小男孩迟疑地从马厩里出来照料他们的马匹,
  Shagga did not want to give his up. 可夏嘎不愿交出自己的坐骑。
  "The lad won't steal your mare," Tyrion assured him. “这小鬼不会偷你的母马啦,”提利昂向他保证。
  "He only wants to give her some oats and water and brush out her coat." “他只是想喂它吃点燕麦,喝些水,刷刷背罢了。”
  Shagga's coat could have used a good brushing too, but it would have been less than tactful to mention it. 老实说,夏嘎自己的毛皮外衣也很需要刷一刷,不过直接说出口未免太没技巧了。
  "You have my word, the horse will not be harmed." “我跟你保证,马儿绝不会受伤。”
  Glaring, Shagga let go his grip on the reins. 夏嘎瞪大眼睛,松开紧握缰绳的手。
  "This is the horse of Shagga son of Dolf," he roared at the stableboy. “这是多夫之子夏嘎的马。”他朝马厩小厮咆哮。
  If he doesn't give her back, chop off his manhood and feed it to the goats, Tyrion promised. "Provided you can find some." “如果他不把马还你,就剁掉他的命根子,拿去喂山羊。”提利昂保证,“不过你得先找到山羊。”
  A pair of house guards in crimson cloaks and lion-crested helms stood under the inn's sign, on either side of the door. 旅店招牌下站了两个红袍狮盔的卫士,一左一右看守着门。
  Tyrion recognized their captain. "My father?" 提利昂认出了侍卫队长。“我父亲人呢?”
  In the common room, m'lord. “在大厅里,大人。”
  My men will want meat and mead, Tyrion told him. "See that they get it." “我的人需要吃喝,”提利昂告诉他,“交给你打点。”
  He entered the inn, and there was Father. 他走进旅店,立刻看到了父亲。