冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第857期:第四十章 提利昂(7)(在线收听

   Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West, was in his middle fifties, yet hard as a man of twenty. 身兼凯岩城公爵与西境守护二职的泰温·兰尼斯特现年五十多岁,却健壮得像个二十岁的小伙子。

  Even seated, he was tall, with long legs, broad shoulders, a flat stomach. 即便坐着,他依旧显得身躯高大,两腿颀长,肩膀宽厚,小腹平坦,
  His thin arms were corded with muscle. 手臂虽细却肌肉结实。
  When his once-thick golden hair had begun to recede, he had commanded his barber to shave his head; 自从原本蓬厚的金发开始渐渐稀少后,他便命令理发师把他剃成光头;
  Lord Tywin did not believe in half measures. 泰温公爵是个做事果敢决断的人,
  He razored his lip and chin as well, 因此他也把唇边和下巴的胡子通通刮干净,
  but kept his side-whiskers, two great thickets of wiry golden hair that covered most of his cheeks from ear to jaw. 只留两颊鬓须,两大丛结实的金胡子从双耳一直覆到下颚。
  His eyes were a pale green, flecked with gold. 他的眼睛淡绿中带着金黄。
  A fool more foolish than most had once jested that even Lord Tywin's shit was flecked with gold. 曾经有个愚蠢的弄臣开玩笑说泰温大人连拉的屎里都有黄金。
  Some said the man was still alive, deep in the bowels of Casterly Rock. 此人据说还活着,不过住在凯岩城最深处的地牢里。
  Sir Kevan Lannister, his father's only surviving brother, was sharing a flagon of ale with Lord Tywin when Tyrion entered the common room. 提利昂走进旅店大厅时,泰温公爵正和他仅存的手足——凯冯·兰尼斯特爵士喝着一瓶麦酒。
  His uncle was portly and balding, with a close-cropped yellow beard that followed the line of his massive jaw. 叔叔有些发胖,头也快秃了,下巴全是肉,黄胡子修剪得很短。
  Sir Kevan saw him first. "Tyrion," he said in surprise. 凯冯爵士首先看到他。“提利昂?”他惊讶地说。
  Uncle, Tyrion said, bowing. "And my lord father. What a pleasure to find you here." “叔叔,”提利昂一鞠躬,“父亲大人。见到你们真好。”