冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第858期:第四十章 提利昂(8)(在线收听

   Lord Tywin did not stir from his chair, but he did give his dwarf son a long, searching look. 泰温公爵并未起身,他只意味深长地打量了侏儒儿子一番。

  "I see that the rumors of your demise were unfounded." “看来关于你已死的传言不攻自破了。”
  Sorry to disappoint you, Father, Tyrion said. “真抱歉让您失望,父亲大人。”提利昂说,
  "No need to leap up and embrace me, I wouldn't want you to strain yourself." “千万不用跳起来拥抱我,我可不希望您扭到腰。”
  He crossed the room to their table, acutely conscious of the way his stunted legs made him waddle with every step. 他穿过房间,走到桌边,一边走一边觉得自己畸形的腿摇摇摆摆、格外醒目。
  Whenever his father's eyes were on him, he became uncomfortably aware of all his deformities and shortcomings. 只要父亲的视线一刻停留在他身上,他就很不自在地想起自己所有的畸形和缺陷。
  "Kind of you to go to war for me," he said as he climbed into a chair and helped himself to a cup of his father's ale. “非常感谢您为我出兵打仗。”说着,他爬上一张椅子,自顾自地拿起父亲的酒瓶倒酒。
  By my lights, it was you who started this, Lord Tywin replied. “得了吧,乱局都是你挑起的。”泰温公爵回答,
  "Your brother Jaime would never have meekly submitted to capture at the hands of a woman." “换成你哥哥詹姆,他绝不会屈服于一介妇人之手。”
  That's one way we differ, Jaime and I. “这就是詹姆和我的不同之一啦。
  He's taller as well, you may have noticed. 他还比我高呢,如果您注意到的话。”
  His father ignored the sally. 父亲没理会他的俏皮话。
  "The honor of our House was at stake. “事关家族荣誉,
  I had no choice but to ride. 除了出兵,我别无选择。
  No man sheds Lannister blood with impunity." 让兰尼斯特家人流血的人,必受惩罚,休想全身而退!”
  Hear Me Roar, Tyrion said, grinning. The Lannister words. “听我怒吼。”提利昂嘻嘻笑道,这是兰尼斯特家族的箴言。
  "Truth be told, none of my blood was actually shed, although it was a close thing once or twice. “说真的,其实我半滴血都没流,虽然有几次很接近。
  Morrec and Jyck were killed." 莫里斯和杰克却死了。”